Saturday, May 1, 2010

How I Like a Man to Dress

Every well dressed woman should be with a well dressed man. When I think of classy men, I usually think of the late John F Kennedy Jr, Cary Grant, Richard Gere and George Clooney- I've posted some examples of how I like a man to dress! I love the look of a 'Brooks Brothers' Suit - there is something so appealing about a business or power suit!!! I walked past Banana Republic a few days ago and loved what I saw in the window - It was a beige blazer that was layered on-top of a stipped white and blue shirt, a navy tie and paired with jeans, a belt and these very preppy, loafer like shoes. I remember thinking - "wow, talk about a modern yet classy casual look for day - this is how every man needs to dress!" I wish that more men understood how appealing it is to a woman when they dress well - just look at George Clooney - there are women waiting to take a number!

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