Friday, August 13, 2010

Cool Vs Warm

I recently had a conversation with a woman who swears that she feels I am a 'cool winter' versus a deep autumn - I decided I would do my makeup with the cool winter colours today - I want to post a picture of myself with the cool winter colours and the deep autumn colours - I'd love to hear what you think - what's the verdict for me - cool? warm? both?

Cool Winter:

Deep Autumn:


  1. I think you are the cool winter. It brings out all of your features and you end up looking at YOU not the makeup. The Autumn you look right at the makeup not YOU. That's how you know what season you are. As a winter you look stunning and it shows the real you. LOVE IT!!!

  2. I think you are the cool winter. It brings out all of your features and you end up looking at YOU not the makeup. The Autumn you look right at the makeup not YOU. That's how you know what season you are. As a winter you look stunning and it shows the real you. LOVE IT!!!

  3. Thanks for your feedback - the more I play around with different colours, the more I feel that I am in fact a cool winter - I hope to do some more posts about this topic - I'm fascinated with colour analysis!!! Thanks again!!!

  4. Honestly, I think you wear both sets of colors so well that you are clearly a "deep" something. But I agree, the deep winter seems to be a slightly better fit than the deep autumn.

  5. Your coloring is so contrasty and bright, I think you may be a clear winter, rather than a cool winter. Cool winters are a little bluer and a little dustier, but not quite as much as summers. The fact that autumn colors don't suit you at all tells me you are not a deep autumn. If you are truly a clear winter, you would look divine in deep electric blue.

  6. Awesome - thank you so much for your feedback about the clear winter - I love feedback, it is much appreciated!!! I'm going to start playing around with the clear colours!

  7. I can't help responding even though you don't know me from the man in the moon. I've come across your blogs on occasion and had the EXACT same thought: that you're a cool winter. You are just so much more stunning as a winter. Someone said that if you're truly a cool winter, cool colors will not look make you look 'cool', they will make you look alive. That's what they do on you. To me, that's a pretty good test.

  8. renata, you are neither deep autumn nor cool winter.

    you are muted/soft, neutral to cool and of medium depth - so you are a soft summer.

    you don't have enough contrast and depth to be an autumn or winter.

    you look yellow and tired in warm shades and you're not clear enough to wear winter shades.

    your dyed hair is way too dark and harsh on you.

    you should go for softer and more neutral shades. but maybe you just like this artificial winter look.


  9. Thanks Claudia, I appreciate your comment and feedback - I actually recently got draped as a true autumn and find I look really good in the true autumn makeup shades that are warm and softer, going for more orange shades in the evening! I've played around with the Soft Summer shades and have found them to be slightly too ashy for me - but I really value everyone's opinion and feedback, so thank you!!!

  10. There is no doubt you are a cool winter!

  11. Thanks Anonymous - I recently had another on-line analysis where I was told that I may even be a new season called 'Deep Winter Soft' - its a slightly more muted version of a cool winter. I was draped in person twice and both times came out as a true autumn, but when I look at photos of me in true autumn shades especially with blush, all you see in an orange streak across my face! I agree, I think I do lean neutral-cool!!!

  12. As I posted earlier and though my comment and post are outdated, I hope my input helps you: You look wonderful in all you do, yet, in the cooler range of color you appear more natural and YOU glow; in warm colors the COLOR glows and your skin pales out ashen and your hair just looks separate from your total look in general. You are probably a form of winter or deeper summer type. Have you checked out summer variations? Since you had red in your hair as a child, there are Winter's and Summer's with COOL shades of red in their hair including totally overall cool red such as, as an example, cool auburns. Good luck.
