Sunday, January 16, 2011

European Women and their Allure

It feels like forever since I've blogged something.  I went through some 'heart-ache' just before the Christmas season began (with a breakup) and then re-discovered myself in 'New York' during New Years and now I'm in a very content place again.  It brings me back to how I felt after my Europe trip 2 summers ago - there is something so appealing and alluring about Europe and its people.  Everyone seems so laid back and they really live the philosophy that "its about the journey, not the destination".  They also value love and feeling 'loved' - something my ex wasn't able to provide me because of his own personal difficulties - but I don't hold anything negative against him - in fact, I really believe he was in my life as a 'teacher' - he taught me (through what he wasn't able to give me) that I deserve to know and live my worth and be with someone who sees my true value!  And that's what I want to blog about in the new year - topics that inspire me to value myself!  For some reason, I have always seen European women as the type who know the secret of valuing themselves -they often look so comfortable in their own skin and I think the world sees them as beautiful because they know this about themselves on the 'inside' and that inner sense of beauty shines outward for the rest of the world to see - so here is my tribute to European women:

I think 'simplicity is elegance' is the true philosophy that European women live by - they are never 'overdone' with their clothes, makeup and their look is often so simple, yet we are in 'awe' of how they create that look.  Maybe its because we try too hard to look a certain way, that the end result is forced.  With European women, the look is never forced, but its always classy, feminine and naturally 'sexy' - There is no clevage showing in this photo, yet she looks so sexy - its all in her attitude about what it means to be a women!

I have always been inspired by Latetia Casta's look - she has that 'pouty lip' French thing going on - I think this is a perfect example of that unspoken 'mystery' that European women seem to master so well - I think it has to do with self-respect and self-restraint.  They don't give themselves away on the first meeting - you don't hear their life story the first time you meet them - they are self-controlled and let you in only a little bit at a time - but its this very self-control that makes them so alluring!

Monica Belluci is definitely the poster girl for the beautiful and alluring Italian woman - she owns her look so well - She embraces her rich, espresso brunette hair and always looks feminine.  I love her look - she is somewhat of a modern Sophia Loren - she seems to look better and better as she ages and this a huge lesson that we should embrace and learn - learn to love yourself at every stage of your life!

Audrey is such a 'classic' French woman and actress - she embraces the casual-sexy look!  I remember reading in a magazine an interview with Michael Kors - he was asked what makes a woman 'sexy' and his reply sparked a 'lightbulb' moment in my mind - he said that men don't necessarily want the 'bombshell beauty' - instead they want a woman who can embrace the tom-boy within and be more casual with their sexiness - Audrey is completely like that - she works her short gamine hair style and her makeup is always fresh and classic.  Many european women have that 'tom-boyish' sex appeal and I think Michael Kors is right - it is 'sexy'!

Audrey Hepburn became an icon in American Film, but her roots will always be 'European' - Audrey completely embraced the 'tom-boyish' sex appeal and her class and allure are still an inspiration to women today.  Her style is simple, elegant, casual yet so feminine, alluring and elegant - She is definitely one of my favourite style icons and muses - I just love her!!!

Carla Bruni - Actress, singer, wife of the French President - oozing with European sophistication and class - this woman has it going on!!!  She knows how to work her beauty and be poised and stylish.  Check out the next photo of her:

I love how simple her hair and makeup are in this photograph - she isn't trying to be a 'bombshell' yet she looks uber-sexy.  She plays up her features every so slighly but just enough to let her true beauty come through.

I think that we can all embrace the style and lessons of European women, regardless of where we were born or who we are or what we do - This New Years I've decided to embrace my sense of self and make this the year of valuing myself.  This year I embrace my inner casual 'tom-boy' sex-appeal!!!  Enjoy being a woman, value it - respect it and when it comes to men - be with one who values who you are and know that happiness doesn't depend on something or someone outside of yourself - you need to own it - thats what it means to be sexy and alluring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I am trying to find out who that lady in the 1st picture is because she looks absolutely amazing! do you still remember where you found the picture or who it is?

  2. Hi Caoimhe - her name is Sophie Marceau - she is a french actress - I think she is so sensual and feminine!!!
