Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A little about me

One of the blogs I follow posted these series of questions and I really enjoyed reading the responses - it made me feel like I had a certain connection to the author of the blog.  I decided that I wanted to answer these questions as well so that I can share a little bit about myself with you!

1. What time did you get up this morning?

5:30 - I always wake up at the time to get ready for work (a little nutty on my part, but I'm more of a morning person and I like to relish in my morning routine)
2. How do you like your steak?

3. What was the last film you saw at the movies?

The King's Speech
4. What is your favorite TV show?

Brothers and Sisters

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

Zurich - I fell in love with Switzerland when I traveled to Europe two summers ago - Zurich really made an impression on me, as did the Lake Como region of Italy and the Alps
6. What did you have for breakfast?

Cinnamon and Raisin 'Eizeikeil' english muffin with homemade nutella (a healthier version made of hazelnut butter, maple syrup and a dash of cocoa powder) with some hebal tea

7. What is your favorite type of food (i.e. cuisine)?

I love all food, but I have to say that my favourite type of food is a cross between healthy-comfort food with gourmet flair - I love a nice cut of lamb where the meat if fall off the bone (like a braised shank or leg of lamb) - but I also have days where I go vegetarian (I love this one restaurant in Toronto called 'Fresh' - they make the best bean burrito wrap i've ever tasted) .  One of the best food memories I had was in Zurich where the hotel I stayed at made an amazing salad with hard-boiled egg, goat cheese and this amazing dijon-honey dressing - to this day its the best salad I've ever had!  I could write about food forever, so I'll stop now - lol

8. What foods do you dislike?

Anything that is unhealthy or processed - I'm not a big fan of fried foods or fast/junk food - I haven't eaten at McDonalds or another fast food joint for 'years' - after you grow to love healthy, real, fresh food, the fake stuff just doesn't cut it anymore!

9. Favorite place to eat?

As I mentioned before, I love 'Fresh' and I had a fantastic experience at a restaurant called 'The Rosewater Supper Club' in Toronto - it was during Toronto's Wintelicious week and on their specialty menu I ordered the braised lamb shank - it was out of this world!!!
10. Favorite salad dressing?

I really like a dijon honey type of dressing or a dressing with asian flavours like sesame oil and rice wine vinegar!

11. What’s your favourite car?

I've always found jaguars to be very classy

12. What are your favorite clothes?

I like clothes with a classy edge but also on the urban chic side - I like stores like Banana Republic, Rw and Co and I like the looks of Michael Kors and Ralph Lauren.  Nothing beats a crisp white shirt with a black pencil skirt and some basic pumps or knee high boots and a trench coat for the cooler weather- I 'love' that look
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?

One place I have not yet been to is Paris and I'd love to be able to explore that city and take it in.  However, I'd also love to go to Tibet and Nepal - I love the idea of going on a spiritual journey somewhere!  Experiencing my own 'Eat, Pray, Love' type of adventure
14. Is your cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?

ALways 1/2 full
15. Where would you want to retire?

I would love to retire to a villa in Tuscany or somwhere in Fance - and live a very simple life, cooking, going for walks in nature, sitting at a cafe and people watch all day - this would be the ultimate retirement experience for me!
16. Favorite time of day?

I'm a morning person and I love lazy mornings, where you lounge around in your p.j.'s until noon drinking tea, reading, pondering the meaning of life - lol

17. Where were you born?

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?

Soccer and Hockey
19. Are you a morning person or a night person?

Morning - 100%
20. Do you have any pets?

Yes, I'm a pround new mama - I adopted a kitten from my local humane society and I just adore her - I named her 'Duchess' and her personality totaly suits that name - lol - I just love her to bits
21. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?

Yes, my best friend just found out she's pregnant for the second time - I'm sooooo happy for her and wish her only the best!

22. What did you want to be when you were little?

I always wanted to be an author - perhaps one day I'll write that best selling novel!!!

23. What is your best childhood memory?

Going to Miami with my grandparents - they had  condo there and I went to stay with them twice a year - I have a lot of great memories being on the beach, swimming etc
24. Are you a cat or dog person?

Both - I love all animals!

25. Do you ever want to get married?

Only if I meet the right person - I don't want to get marrried for the sake of getting married - i'd rather be single and happy and self-fulfilled than stuck in a loveless marriage.
26. Any pet peeves?

People stuck in a poor me, pitty party attitude and 'negative' people and attttudes

27. Favorite Pizza Toppings?

I tend to put a lot of veggies on my pizza and create different kinds of pizza - one of my faves is to make a greek type of pizza with goat cheese, kalamata olives, tomato and red onion - mmmmm!!!

28. Favorite Flower?


29. Favorite ice cream?

I like plain vanilla frozen yogurt (but it has to be on top of apple crumble or sauteed apples with cinnamon and brown sugar - mmmmmm)
30. Favorite fast food restaurant?

I'm not a fan of fast food, but if I 'had' to choose something fast, I'd probably go to subway or some type of deli sandwhich shop

31. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?

Tiffany's or Nine West (I love their shoes and boots, they fit my foot like a glove and are so comfortable regardless of how high the heel is)

32. Do anything spontaneous lately?

Getting a kitten was a pretty spontaneous choice for me - but one of the best choices I've ever made!

33. Like your school/job?

I really enjoy being a teacher, but I'm the type of person who loves to pursue other things as well, so I'm going to be doing my yoga teacher training soon and I'd love to take some more cooking classes!
34. What was your last vacation?

New Years in New York!!!

35. Last person you went out to dinner with?

I went out with a group of friends for  a fantastic dinner in the city
36. What music are you listening to right now?

Smooth jazz (Sinatra, Dean Martin, Michael Buble) - I love that genre of music!

37. What is your favorite color?

I love delicate shades of blue and navy
38. What are your favourite hobbies?

Cooking, Yoga, painting, reading and anything related to self-discovery
39. Coffee or tea drinker or other?
I'm a huge herbal tea fan!!!
I really hope that you ejoyed reading my answers - I'd love to hear back you and even read some of your answers and responses! 

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