Monday, March 14, 2011

March - The Month of Clear Spring and my Birthday!!!

Its here again - March 14th - My BIRTHDAY!!!  I always get so excited on my birthday - I'm like a little kid that way - the air feels fresher, the sun seems like its shining its blessings right on my face, the grass peeking through the 1/2 melted snow seems lush and green.  Its a good day!!!
I've really been playing around and embracing the clear makeup palette and I have to say that I am in 'love' with the clear spring colours.  I recently read an article that placed each season according to the cyclical months of the year and clear spring falls into the month of March - how cool is that???
I've decided to celebrate my birthday by paying tribute to the clear spring palette - here is my makeup look for today:

I decided to take my picture in two different places, since the light seems to off-set the tones of the makeup.  The lipcolour that I'm wearing is more true to the second photo - its a clear orange-red-coral shade!

I started off with W4 concealer (true match by Loreal) and dusted on some Refined Golden Bonzer by MAC.
On my eyes, I'm wearing a sheer white shimmery base eyeshadow (by sephora), contrast by MAC on the lid into the crease and 'expensive pink' on the lid - I lined my eyes with Industry Liner by MAC and smudged Contrast into the top lash line - I finished it off with Loreal's Voluminous mascara in Carbon Black
The blush I'm wearing is Coppertone by MAC and on my lips I'm sporting 'So Chaud' (for evening I'm going to deepen the lips a little by outlining my lips with Auburn Lipliner - it will create more of an orange red shade)

I don't know if its noticable in this photo but I spent the morning at the salon today getting my hair coloured - I added an auburn cast to my dark brown base - my hair colorist wants to add more auburn/copper highlights once the summer rolls around, so stay tunned for that!!!

I'm really developing a liking to the clear colour palette (especially the clear spring shades) and I am so thankful to the person who recommended the clear shades for me (it was an annonymos post, but THANK-YOU!!!)

Now I'm off to enjoy my special day!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Looks perfect, clarifies your skin, I think you've found your perfect season. Please try those colours with a tan or coral eye shadow? I think you could carry that off perfectly. I'm learning a lot from your blog here!

  2. Btw, most importantly, Happy Birthday!

  3. Thanks so much Ranger - I love getting feedback! I'm going to embrace the Clear Spring shades - I actually feel great in these colours - the cool winter made me feel okay, but something was missing - I can't live without my corals, peaches and oranges - They make me feel instantly happy and in the end, thats what's most important!!! Thanks for the Birthday wishes too!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Such a fantastic lip color on you! Looks FAB!

  5. Thanks Bree - I LOVE 'So Chaud' - its one of my all time favourite colours - I feel lucky that I can pull it off - I'm glad you like it on me!!!
