Sunday, July 24, 2011

Claudia Lynx

Claudia Lynx is a persian model and actress.  She is absolutely stunning with the most mesmorizing eyes I've ever seen.  One of the things that makes her really unique is the combination of her dark, almost black-like hair and her crazy-beautiful eyes.  I'd describe them as a light hazel, more of a bluish-grey.  I couldn't resist doing a little tribute to her on my blog, since she is both beautiful and elegant:

This is my favourite photo of Claudia - Her make-up is natural, yet so sexy in this picture.  I don't think its very difficult for her to look sexy, with or without makeup!  One of her distinct features are those big, almond, Persian eyes.  I like how she's lined them with a black liner and then kept her lips natural and nude.  This look really works for her!!!

Here is another more natural picture of Claudia - again, the first thing you notice when you look at her are those gorgeous eyes and full lips.  I would love to know what makeup she's wearing in this photo, particularily her lipstick. Its hard to find a good nude/natural colour and I think Claudia's found the perfect shade for her!  Its not too peachy and its not too pinky - its perfectly balanced!

Here is a picture of Claudia with much more dramatic makeup.  She's taken the smokey eyes up a notch and I really like this look because its smokey, but not 'overdone'.  I've heard so many people complain to me that they don't want to try a smokey eye because they feel they will look like someone punched them out - the only way that is going to happen is if you choose the wrong shades (i.e. the colour is too grey/purple and creates that 'bruised' look) or if the look isn't balanced (i.e. too dark and doesn't match the rest of the makeup).  Here Claudia has the perfect smokey eye - the colours work well for her and its balanced with her cheek and lip colour.  If you want to do a smokey eye at home - use this look as a guide!

I thought this photo was really cool - It was used for a magazine where they were talking about 'Geminis' - I really like Claudia's hair cut and style in this photo - she looks very fresh and modern without looking like she's trying too hard.  I particularly like the colour of her hair - its such a beautiful dark brown shade and works with her skin-tone so well!

This look is very interesting on Claudia - I have to admit, I'm not a fan of the orange, but somehow she is so beautiful that she even makes this work well for her!  Using colour theory, orange is meant to bring out the blue is your eyes (since its opposite on the colour wheel) and I have to agree, her eyes do look very blue in this picture.  I also really love the exotic feel of her head-peice.  She is such a stunning Persian woman - almost goddess like!!!

I hope you liked my little tribute to Claudia Lynx.  I really love her look of the more natural smokey eye with a nude lip - I'll have to play around with this for a bit and try to re-create it on myself.  I really like looking for photos of makeup and particularily in magazines where a celebrity or model is wearing a look I really like and the trying to re-create it to fit me - playing around with different looks is what having fun with makeup is all about.  Thanks Claudia for the inspiration!!!

1 comment:

  1. Her beautiful eyes are contacts, her natural eyes are brown and she's had considerable facial reconstruction.
