Monday, August 8, 2011

Frederic Fekkai

I recently attended an event at Holt Renfrew in Toronto with an amazing concept!  If you brought in an empty bottle of shampoo, you got a FREE bottle of Fekkai's shampoo.  Standing in line to get my free shampoo, I filled out a questionnaire which helped to narrow down which shampoo choice is the best for me and my lifestyle.  I ended up getting the Brilliant Glossing shampoo and purchased the conditioner right away:

I washed my hair the next morning and my hair has never felt this silky and healthy before.  I have to say that I'm a Fekkai 'convert'.  Frederic Fekkai has that classic European philosophy on life, beauty, hair etc- He really knows and understands what a woman wants in her life - simple and sophisticated elegance.  I admire Fekkai for building his hair empire around this philosophy because instead of following trends, he cuts hair differently for every woman, making it unique and individual for her.  I decided to read up more about Fekkai and his philosophy and fell in love with his website
Here are just some of Fekkai's tips and his philosophy on beauty:
"When clients ask me what they should do to update their look I usually say, "Less!" To me, the fundamentals of modern, fresh, uncontrived style are quite basic:

•Clean, shiny hair
•Clear skin
•Not too much makeup
•Very little jewelry
And these are the things I recommend you avoid—they age even the most beautiful woman who wears them:
•Too much foundation
•Harsh lipstick
•Obvious lip contour
Heavy eye makeup
•Too much hairspray
•Overdone highlights or over processed hair
•Artificial-looking nails
When getting dressed for an event, pamper your senses and you will uplift your spirit. The clothes you choose should be quietly luxurious. Consider combining different textures: a velvet skirt with suede boots, a pastel silk skirt with a cashmere shawl. Create outfits that make you feel confident, attractive, and charming, without ever distracting from your personality. Consider these guidelines:

•Be elegant, but do not show off.
•Select fabrics with a wonderful texture, you’ll feel contented wearing them.
•Always add a touch of color, even if everything else is black—it always looks right.
•Show a little skin, at the shoulders or legs, but not both.

I think I'll be studying Fekkai's philosophy for the next little white - it makes so much sense and its all about that classic European sophistication I love so much!!!

1 comment:

  1. great tips! i totally agree the less makeup/more natural, the better!

    cool blog - i'm your newest follower
