Monday, October 3, 2011

Warm Pink Vs Cool Pink

I was recently asked to do some colour drapes between a warm pink and a cool pink to solidify my final suspision of the clear spring palette as the best for me.  Clear Springs really suit a warm pink, while Winters look better in a cool, magenta-like shade.  I decided to take these photos in as natural light as possible, no flash, no makeup - I'd love to hear your feedback:

Cool Pink:


        Warm Pink:                                                                                                  

And the verdict is?????????????


  1. If the lighting, exposure, and every other condition was identical in both photos, then I'd have to say that the warm pink is just marginally -- marginally! -- better on you.

    There are just a few fewer shadows in the warm pink photo (to my eye).

  2. Thanks for the feedback Sneza! I wish I had a more professional area to take photos where the colours were more apparent. I agree with you about the warm pink being slightly better!
