Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bright Autumn

I never considered that there was such a thing as a Bright Autumn, as I have always heard of the bright seasons being either Winters or Springs, until I came across my friend Jeanine Byers' blog  blog, where I saw this photo:


I automatically resonated with this model, her skintone, eyecolour, hair colour etc - I thought to myself "wow - this is me!' - I actually resonate more with this than the more muted tones of my palette.  The uber-muted shades are okay as neutrals on me, but not my faves - I come alive in a bright rust/terracotta shade (almost identical to the top this model is wearing in the photo).  If you want to check out the other colour types, check out this website: http://colorconnection.yuku.com/topic/1060/Uniquely-You  you'll find similar photos for a more muted 'gentle winter' which also isn't included in the typical colour analysis, as well as other colour types from the Summer, Spring, Winter and Fall categories.  I highly recommend taking a look and seeing if you 'fit' into any of these!  I, personally, am so excited I came across this!  I'm going to have to start playing around with the brighter shades of my autumn palette!!!


  1. Renata, I agree with the discussion going on at the 12 Blueprints page, and with you here, that these are the colors of warm autumn, but they are brighter and clearer. And I have found the same thing, that I can wear the muted ones and they look okay, but when they are brighter and clearer, I come alive!

    Seasonal Color Analysis for Women of Color

  2. THanks Jeanine! I have to say that your blog is truely an inspiration and as I mentioned on the 12 BP discussion, thank you for posting that photo to begin with. It feels great to really resonate with a particular palette and this is it for me!!!
