Saturday, December 31, 2011

Finding a POWER colour

I love colour - colour inspires me and I love how colour has that mystical ability to change your mood and energy.  Some days I just want to surround myself with a soft warm beige colour, while other days I'm up for a pop of spicy red!  I really admire when people take the time to study what colours look good on them.  I think its particularily important to find that special colour in your palette that makes you feel happy, confident, alluring and poweful.  This colour choice shouldn't be taken lightly - finding a power colour has the ability to change your life - draw people to you, help raise your energy and finally, become a part of 'you', manifesting as your special signature colour.  I've had my True Autumn palette for a while now and It seems that everytime I look at my colour fan, my heart seems to just beat faster when I see my 'teal' shades - I feel magnetic around these shades - I feel 'alive'!!!  I'm confident that the warm teal blues of my palette are my power colours!!!

Since the colour teal is a brighter neutral in comparison to the browns, camels and warm beiges of the Autumn palette. I decided to add some of the teal bright elements to my makeup as well.  I started with my basic face: W5 foundation by Loreal, Bobbi Brown warm beige concealer and MAC Gold Deposit powder all over.  I then used Strength lipstick my MAC as a cream blush and added Pretty your World's 'Buddah' blush on top.  For my eyes, I used NARS silent night as a base, MAC's Soba from lid to crease and Woodwinked in the crease/outer corners.  I then lined my eyes with MAC's Indigo eyeliner (a stunning teal shade) and blended woodwinked into the upper lashline.  I finished with a brown-black mascara by Loreal Voluminous and a swipe of Sandalwood Beige by Revlon!

I find that teal makes me feel brighter and happier inside, which is why I decided to choose it as my power colour.  It makes me feel very feminine and I love that I can wear almost any other colour in my palette along with the teal - it looks fantastic when combined with the browns, camels, peaches and even the terracotta orange shades as pops of colour!  Teal is definitely a winning colour in my eyes!!!


  1. You look beautiful, Renata! I agree that that's one of your best colors, so I'm glad it makes you feel empowered.

  2. Renata, I'm fascinated that your eyes seem to be a mix of green and something else. Do they actually contain teal? A lot of people seem able to pull off colors that are analogous to the actual eye color but not actually in it. At first you think you see that color in the mix even when it's not there. I find that I can "cheat" into tones analogous to my actual eye tone, too. However, mine are so exactly between blue and green, that I can lean both directions, but there is a point when the tone is so far into strictly blue or strictly green that it loses relationship to me. Do you find that you hit a limit like this?

  3. Hi Kathryn,
    Thanks for writing - Its interesting, my eyes don't appear to have any teal, but some people have commented that when I 'cry', they turn into an aqua shade - weird? My eyes seem to be a real mix of grey-green-blue with amber/gold flecks and they change colour often, depending on the weather, what I'm wearing etc etc - they are like mood eyes - often people ask me if my eyes are 'real;, thinking I wear contacts - but yes, they are my real colour. I know what you mean about your colour leaning in both directions - my limit is with the 'blues' and 'greys' - I cannot wear cool or deep blues and grey is not an appealing colour even though its a dominant colour in my eye. I find I need browns and golds - these are my BEST shades!!!

  4. I often think that these brighter makeup colors are best only in touches, as you have demonstrated in your photos. Otherwise, they are too garish and no longer enhance the eye but compete with it. This is very good.

  5. I definitely like this color on you...

  6. Agreed. Teal with the darker hair is definitely a winner.
