Sunday, December 25, 2011

My Top 5 favourite Christmas Movies

One of the things that I love about Christmas are the hillarious movies that I get to watch with my family - we laugh so hard, we cry!  Christmas really is about being with family, celebrating the birth of the Christ child, enjoying the Christmas spirit that is in the air, eating amazing food and treats and sitting down to watch a classic Christmas movie.  THroughout the years, these five movies have remained my all time top favourites:


Christmas with the Kranks is one of the funniest Christmas movies in existance in my opinion.  I love watching this movie with my dad because we laugh so hard that we cry.  Tim Allen is his usual, hilarious self and the anticts that go on are just too funny!  This is one of those movies that I would watch even though it isn't Christmas, but I try to reserve it for Christmas time, since its becoming a Christmas Tradition for us to watch this movie together!

I think that this movie makes it on almost everyone's Christmas movie list - its one of my all time favourites - Chevy Chase is just a master comedian in my opinion and no matter how many times I see this movie, I seem to love it more and more.  The scene where he puts the cooking spray on the round metal sled is still my favourite!

Irving Berlin's 1954 Christmas Classic 'White Christmas' is a very special movie for me!  My grandmother and I used to watch this movie together every year and I have the fondest memories of her when I watch this film now.  I always think the era in which this film was made and life was not easier, but it was simpler and love just seemed less complicated - I'm also a sucker for the hair and makeup of that era!!!

Elf is a movie that makes me laugh from start to finish - I love the whole concept of a human elf visiting New York and discovering it for the first time.   There are too many favourite scenes for me to write about because every one of them are just so funny.  This is definitely a Christmas favourite!

Four Christmases is a great CHristmas movie - I can't say its on the same level as 'Christmas with the Kranks' or 'National Lampoons Christmas vacation', as I consider these classics, but I think this movie is hilarious.  I also like the message of the movie at the end - I think we go though each day of our lives getting lost in our own lives that we forget sometimes that its not just about 'us' - spending time with your family is sometimes a way to help you stay grounded and especially at Christmas. to remember that its not about 'me, me, me' all the time, but its about others and being empathetic to others needs and struggles.  I have to say that the nativity scene in the church is simply hillarious - Vince Vaughn is just so funny in that scene!

Well, these are my top 5 favourite movies!  I'd love to hear from you and find out what some of your favourites are???

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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