Saturday, January 7, 2012

Colour Fan Palette Experiment

I find that its much easier to make a decision based on 'seeing' a visual of colours and then making a comparison, so I cut and paste the colour fans from both the Soft Autumn palette and True Autumn palette.  I put my photo in the middle so I can go back and forth between the two.  I also did the same for Soft Autumn and Summer with a photo of me without makeup in the centre:

Experiment #1 - Soft Autumn VS True Autumn

Experiment # 2 - Soft Autumn VS Soft Summer


  1. Great idea, Renata! I think warm autumn is better than the other two.

  2. Renata, you're definitely one of the soft seasons. Soft Autumn most likely.

  3. Hi Renata,

    I actually think that your hair is so dark that dark is your primary characteristic. From there you would have a choice of being Cool Dark (winter) and Warm Dark (Autumn), where you are obviously warm so I think that you are Dark/Deep Autumn. Maybe you would like to have a look at that color palette and see whether it works for you :-)

  4. Thank you so much Aenai - these are the palette's I'm currently experimenting with and I really do think that the deep autumn palette is Perfect!!! Thank you so much for writing because I feel this is just a confirmation that I'm heading in the right direction!
