Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rose VS Peach

I was inspired by a recent aritcle in one of my favourite blogs called Truth Is Beauty (check out the website :  THe article was about Angelina Jolie and what her true seasonal type might be.  Check out the article at:
Basically, its clear that Angelina is a soft, but which one - two colours that are considered one of the best shades for each of the softs was used to compare - the first being Soft Summer's antiqued rose, the second being Soft Autumns dusty peach/honey shade.  I decided to do a little picture comparison using my own photo to see what would happen:

I honestly don't think there is any question that the soft dusty peach shade is better - at first I thought perhaps my makeup was influencing the end result, however, just looking at how the colour reacts to my skin, its clear that it glows in the peach/honey shade and becomes ashy in the cool rose shade!  Perhaps I will try this experiment again this time wearing no makeup just to make sure!!!


  1. I think you could wear both successfully. They are very close. Beautiful photos!

  2. I agree with you that your skin becomes more ashy in the rose shade. Peach is better of the two, though you still look very good in the other.

  3. Maybe it's just my monitor, but I pefer the rose, even though the lipstick is not quite right for rose. The peach makes your skin look yellowish-peach to me, while the rose brightens your eyes and makes your skin look delicate but cool.

  4. Hi there! I know this is quite a long time after so sorry for the lateness of this comment! As soon as I saw the two pics, the peach was immediately like WOW, Glowing Skin! The rose did indeed look a little dusty near you. I am a SSu myself, so I'm very sensitive to these differences. Also, if it means anything, your lipstick is most definitely warm, and it most definitely suits you, so that counts for something!

  5. Thank you SO much for your feedback and comment Sonia! I really appreciate it and I agree 100% percent. SInce this post, I have actually settled into True Autumn - I was tee tottering between SA and TA for a while, but have finally decided to make TA my home season - I love the warmth of TA! THanks again for writting!!!!
