Thursday, January 5, 2012

True Autumn - Hot and Spicy VS Natural???

Does a true autumn need the hot and spicy colours of his/her palette vs the natural, softer shades in terms of a harmonious makeup look?  Does this seem like a weird question?  Perhaps, but there is a reason why I ask.  Since playing around with the true autumn palette and sucessfully matching some warmer neutral shades to the sci/art true autumn fan, there seems to be a difference in how these colours 'harmonize' in terms of creating a look that represents the landscapes of 'true autumn'.  I have to admit that my first impression upon hearing of true autumn, I thought warm autumn leaves that change colour to a rustic-brownish orange, bright mustard yellow, orange-red and golden brown.  I also think of a spice market in an exotic asian or middle eastern location, seeing colours like turmeric yellow, hot paprika spice, warm golden cinnamon etc etc - these seem to be the dominant shades that make true autumn original and unique as a season.  Here are two makeup looks that I've created in the past that express these hot and spicy shades:

Studying the true autumn fan, I began to discover that there are some amazing true autum neutral and nude shades - colours that seem softer, lighter than those 'hot and spicy' shades.  Two shades that come to mind are Mocha and Siss by MAC - Mocha is descibed as a yellow-peachy brown and is a nice warm natural lipstick, while Siss is a light golden brown shade - a shade that when mixed with a warm nude liner has that soft, delice effect.  Here are two photos of me sporting the 'natural and softer' side of True Autumn:

Each of the 4 photos that I've posted are composed of colours that match the True Autumn colour fan - one look is a distinct look based on the real warm, golden shades of autumn, while the other look is natural and soft, using the more brownish-peach and bronze-nude shades.  Since posting these various looks on my facebook 'true autumn makeup album' I've recieved interesting reponses from people and there seems to be two schools of thought that are forming around these looks.  The main question that I've heard expressed is 'Does a true autumn need to wear her hot, spicy, warm and golden colours to bring out the best in her?'  Although the softer, natural look is refreshing and nice for a cozy weekend look, does it bring out the best in me???  Or am I my best wearing the red-chili shades???  I would really appreciate your feedback and comments on this topic!


  1. The first look is by far the best! The warm, red lipstick really brings life to your skin. The 2nd look seems more dark autumn and the 3rd and 4th looks seem more soft autumn. I can't get enough of the first look--I see vibrant, healthy YOU, not the makeup!

  2. I also think your hair looks perfect in the 1st look--keep that color!

  3. The last two pictures get my vote as the most awesome. :)

  4. Thank you so much everyone for your feedback - I'm thinking of wearing more of the last two photos for my everyday natural look and wearing the look in the first photo for evenings and events - I really want to find that perfect combination of looks and work on simplifying my makeup bag!!!

  5. So the first one. When you cool and soften the colours you look tired, your eyes look drawn, you look older, your eye makeup starts to look harsh and too cool. The sparkle in the true colours is lovely, your skin looks perfect, it takes ten years off you.

  6. hi there, i like the first look is vibrant and yes you look healthy, however, im modest and would keep that look for a special occasion, wedding, nice dinner etc...the 2nd one is a little too brown for my taste. I like the last two since they seem more soft and natural without looking drab.

  7. I prefer the first one!

  8. 'natural and softer' side of True Autumn IS BEAUTIFUL!
