Monday, February 27, 2012

For Those Who Voted True Autumn - Congratulations!!!

Wow, Wow, Wow - All I can say is that True Autumn is definitely a clear winner for me!!!  I kept this a secret, but I decided to get drapped again and was looking for someone who lived close by and had experience in the field of colour analysis and style.  Thats when I came into contact with Suzanne from 'Your Shop Girl' - her website instantly drew me in and when I learned that she traveled with her drapes to your home and then takes you out shopping to teach you how to use your new colour knowledge and how to accessorize and work with your personal style and shape - I had to jump on the opportunity.  In addition, her fee was both reasonable and great for someone who is looking to budget, but still wants to look and feel their best.  Here are a few photos from the draping:

The true autumn greens and teals turned out to be amazing and Suzanne mentioned that if she could only dress me in one colour it would be TA's warm teal shade.  I wanted to do a visual comparison between the SA green and TA green - check it out:

Suzanne noticed almost immediately that although the soft autumn shades were very nice, the true autumn shades were even 'nicer' - there is an element of warth and richness that the TA palette has and that I need vs the soft/muted quality of SA!

Compaing TA's warm coral peach shade to the SA soft peach, there just wasn't any comparison - the wamth from the TA coral peach was 'phenominal' against my skin - we both saw that many of the SA shades were just too muted for me - Suzanne kept on mentining that I needed that extra warmth - there is a lot of warmth and gold in my skin that gets 'hidden' with the SA palette!

Orange was a great shade - the light in this photo isn't the best, I wish you could have seen how amazing this orange is without the background light - It really made me look alive and fresh - the SA shades in comparison to this gave me a 'slight' tired look, the rich warmth of TA brought instant 'zip' and harmonized so well with my skintone!

This warm wine-red shade was one of my 'best' colours during the draping - Suzanne and I instantly loved this shade and compared to the winter true red, this won hands down!!!

The teal blue next to the soft autumn blue - teal is the winner - again, the angle is a bit wrong, my apartment is weird where lighting is concerned, but I think you can tell immediately, how the muted shade is 'blah' compared to the rich, warm teal!

The rich autumn eggplant (shown left in the photo) was one of my best colours during the draping - this is definitely going to be a great evening shade for me - here is the purple on its own without the soft drape:

I enjoyed my whole draping experience with Suzanne, but the fun didn't end there, we headed to the mall (which is luckily across the street from me)!  I learned so much from Suzanne, everything from how to accessorize using my colours, style and face shape, to how to look for complimentary colours in my palette to put together an outfit - I told Suzanne that she should really write a book, her information and experience is that valuable!!!  If you're in the Toronto area, definitely send Suzanne an e-mail and use her services:


  1. I'm so glad to hear you're back to TA! I have loved these shades on you the best, and missed them during your SA experiment. :o) I'm excited to read more of what you learner as you have time to share.

  2. It is nice to see difference between TA and SA drapes. TA colors are much better for you, Renata. It would be helpful to see DA drapes on you as well just to compare. How much darker and richer they are?

  3. I hate to have to say this, but I have to say this -- that drape set is a mess. It's all over the place. Those drapes are not even from the same season. That purple is not on the TA fan. It's nice but it's cool on you... The winey color is Soft, and that's the best balanced drape you're showing. The orange is TSp, and it's making your entire face orangey yellow, which is not what you're supposed to be going for. The greens are the same hue, different value, neither of them TA. This result does not in any way prove TA over SA. It proves you are in some season that only the person draping you knows. And that's all good, except that when you represent it as TA, it stands to confuse a lot of people.

  4. Thanks for writing Anonymous and sharing your opinion - its great to be able to hear everyone's perspective - the draping I had done was not sci/art and the lighting in the room during these photos was not ideal - but I feel very confident that the drapes that were used represented TA (especially when I saw it being draped over me) - the warm oranges, mustards, amber and orange-brown shades were nothing 'but' true autumn shades - I know that everyone will have a different opinion and I respect yours, but I also respect my own choice in my colour journey - I've decided to choose True Autumn as my home base palette! This post isn't intended to 'confuse' anyone - its another stepping stone in my personal jounrey in accepting myself!

  5. I understand, and thank you for being so gracious about my dissenting opinion, but I just want to say that if they colors do not match the TA fan, they are not TA, they are something else. That's all. The fan is the objective standard for us to go by, so that takes it out of the realm of opinion and into a more mathematical mindset, where it's either 0 or it's 1, it's either TA or it's not TA. You've affirmed that some degree of warmth suits you, and whatever that is is called TA in the system you were draped in, but it's not TA in Sci/ART unless it matches the palette.

  6. THanks Anonymous - I'm just wondering about the lighting issue in my apartment - if sci/art doesn't 'judge' colours based on photos, it may be difficult to tell if the drapes your eye is seeing does in fact match your TA fan - lighting can do a lot to a particular colour - I have a TA sci/art fan and the colours I was draped in did match the fan - I'm not writting this to argue, like I said I respect all differing opinions, I truly do - I've just made a decision that I feel comfortable sticking with - regardless if those particular drapes match sci/art exactly, I'm not going with 'mathematical' - i'm going with what I feel good and amazing in! But I do appreciate hearing your comments - differing perspectives are always good and no one will always agree, but like I said, in the end, Its about feeling amazing in your own skin!!!

  7. Wow! I have had a sneaking suspicion you were true autumn! Just beautiful! Such rich, warm colors really look dazzling.

  8. Beautiful, Renata! If you have done this twice and come out TA, then I am likely to believe it. There is a lot of difference from one TA to another, I'm sure. I just always thought you looked slightly soft. But, too, you seem to carry more elegance than most TA's, too.

  9. THanks so much Kat! I've actually had a revelation tonight after a discussion on a facebook album I created - it seems that the 'look' that suits me is soft - I'm actually a 'soft classic' type using the Kibbe style method - however, true autumn seems to suit me best colour wise, so the light bulb moment is using the TA palette and accepting the 'warmth' while still creating a soft 'look' with the TA shades!!!

  10. Renata - this comment is a bit late! But just to say I feel the True Autumn is so right for you - you've found your colours at last. You look fantastic in the True Autumn colour range, wear it with pride every day! love Trisha xx

  11. Thank you so much Trisha - I really appreciate the comment and compliment - its been a while since this post and I am proud to say that I continue to embrace TA as my best season - I've always tee-tottered between TA and SA, but I know and feel that TA is definitely the right season for me!!!
