Monday, March 12, 2012

Tribute to Marigold

Its been a while since I've done a 'colour tribute', so I decided to do a tribute to a colour that is completely fascinating to me - Marigold!  Marigold is a warm golden yellow and its a colour that generally makes people really 'happy' - its one of the brighter, warmer yellows, but its not 'blinding' - the warmth it carries instead gives off what I would describe as a 'rustic' glow!  So here we go - here is my tribute to Marigold:

You can't tell me you don't feel cheerfull after seeing this colour?  This colour is pure joy to my eyes!!!

Michelle Williams has such amazing style and her colour choices are always such an inspiration - I was so happy to see her in this marigold dress - it suits her personality and its a testiment to the fact that Marigold can be a geat fashion colour choice!!!

Yet another example of Marigold's potential in the fashion world - this dress is stunning and the Marigold leaning mustard shade is really stunning - its eye-catching and elegant all at the same time!!!

I'm loving these Marigold inspired shoes and boots - I find that shoes, handbags, scarves etc (basically any accessory) is such a fantastic way to add a pop of colour that you might not have otherwise picked for yourself to wear.  Perhaps wearing a Marigold dress is not your thing, but adding that pop of colour with a great pair of shoes may be just the ticket for a wardrobe 'pick me up'!

When people want to add a significant pop of colour into their wardrobe, very often its with a coat, jacket or trench!  I personally 'LOVE' the first photo of the more muted down marigold toned coat - this coat is from the 'Anthropology' store website and its definitely on my 'wishlist'!!!

Marigold is not just a fall/autumn colour - I've been noticing that this season, a lot of the spring fashion colours are colours that are typically seen in the autumn months - a lot of warm pumpkin, golden brown, teal and orange-red shades.  I'm also seeing a lot of Marigold - why not try a Marigold inspired summer dress?  Summer and warm golden yellow - you can't get any more cheeful and happy - its the ideal combination!!!

Marigold to me isn't just a bright warm colour - for me it evokes the emotion of rustic elegance!  Marigold is one of those colours that you 'feel' just as much as you wear - you see it and it makes you feel all warm and cozy - I personally love this colour and I hope you enjoyed me little tribute to a great colour!!!


  1. Renata, what is the difference between fall/autumn marigold and mustard?

  2. If you love it, try it on and if you still love it then buy it. I'd love to see more women coming out of the basic colour clothing. My promise to myself is to never buy another black coat in my life. Too much of the basic b's (black, beige and brown)can be boring. LOL. Pat.

  3. What a great promise to keep Tweeded - I think a coat with a punch of your best colour is perfect and you're right, there is too much of the basic black floating around, you can make a huge impact with a pop of colour!

    Margo - the marigold is more of a yello 'gold' and slightly brighter than Mustard. Mustard to me seems to be earthy and muted - while marigold is earthy and bright!

  4. What a great promise to keep Tweeded - I think a coat with a punch of your best colour is perfect and you're right, there is too much of the basic black floating around, you can make a huge impact with a pop of colour!

    Margo - the marigold is more of a yello 'gold' and slightly brighter than Mustard. Mustard to me seems to be earthy and muted - while marigold is earthy and bright!
