Friday, April 20, 2012

Bridal Makeup and Fashion Show

A few weeks ago I was contacted by a fantastic makeup artist Jessica Moniz ( who needed some additional makeup artists to create looks and do the makeup for an upcoming Bridal Fashion Show at the Direct Energy Centre in Toronto.  I gladly accepted this inviation and was so excited to be part of this experience!  I created two face charts and had two models to work on.  I did a lot of research on what is new for bridal makeup for the spring and upcoming seasons and based my looks on that.  The first look that I created was a very warm spring look - lots of corals, peaches, bronze tones, pretty champagne shimmer highlights.  I first asked the model what dresses she would be wearing and interestingly enough, most of her dresses were cream toned, which worked perfectly with the warm tones that I had in mind for her:

For each model I tried to take two photos for myself - one with a flash and the other without - a professional photographer was hired by Jessica so that we would have an opportunity to build our portfolios!  I can't wait to see the finished photos!!!

This model told me that later in the show she would be wearing a purple dress and the wedding gowns she would be wearing were all white, so I decided to play up on the purples and cooler tones for this look!

Check out some photos from the actual fashion show - I can't even tell you how exciting it was to see the models walk the stage knowing that I did their makeup - it was so exciting!

I will be at the Bridal show again tomorrow and am really looking forward to doing the makeup for the fashion show again - I really had such an amazing time and felt like I was at 'home', really living out my passion!!!!  Stay tuned for more photos coming soon!!! 


  1. That's awesome, girl, they looked great! :D Great job!

  2. Thanks so much Stephanie - I had a blast just being there and doing the makeup - today is day 2 of the bridal show and I'm uber pumped!!!
