Sunday, May 20, 2012

Deep Autumn Drapes

I have to admit that I'm a little bit taken aback by this recent Deep Autumn discovery - for so long I've been focusing on Soft Autumn vs True Autumn, that I've completely neglected poor little 'Deep Autumn' - I've received positive feedback about my recent Deep Autumn collages, but then got a request to actually see some of these colours draped over me vs compared to a childhood photo, so here it goes - I decided to pick some classic deep autumn shades - a deep olive green, a golden yellow, a warm burgundy shade and black:

Deep Olive Green:

Golden Yellow:

Warm burgundy:

CHeck out the black-brown cabinet in the background - also a DA shade



  1. VERY pretty!! Not fond of the black, but the others work. I especially like the yellow and burgundy!

  2. WOW I tried this dress against your skin and there is no doubt you're a soft autumn

    but black looks amazing on you too, but maybe just the first one because its not a striking black but more a greeny soft dark charcoal. it really brings out the softer colours from your eyes without washing out your face and also brings out the golden flecks from your eyes. some of the larger soft autumn colour charts have that charcoal. I'm not 100% certain i'm a soft autumn, but this is the best colour chart I could find:

    also if you're interested i've collected a heap of colour stuff on my page (i suspect some of them might be yours?)

    actually this colour mix looks exactly like yours (its not you right??) sorry to whoever it is :)

  3. Hi again! I just wanted to let you know that I had a close look at my eye and found all soft summer colours (which I would have NEVER considered) and they fit me perfectly so maybe that would be your sure fire way of finding your best colours.

  4. It doesn't look like you are wearing any makeup in these pictures. You are naturally pretty.
