Monday, May 21, 2012

True Autumn Celebrity Collages

I love seeing looks in perspective and in comparison to one another and I really think that one of the best ways to see how you 'fit' into your season is to do a celebrity collage comparison!  Sometimes when you see your own colouring next to someone of the same season, the similarities start to appear - with these collages, I see the warmth really come about - particularily my warm golden skintone, warm eye-colour and the warm chestnut base I have in my hair - check it out:

What is your seasonal type?  Try creating a celebrity collage of women who belong to your season or if your not sure, try comparing your photo to women of various seasons, perhaps this will help you determine your best 'fit' - one thing is for sure, knowing what celebrities share your colour type is really helpful - you get a lot of different makeup and wardrobe ideas!!!


  1. Hello, Renata. I am following your blog for some time, but I haven't commented yet. I am very glad to find your blog, fist it is interesting to read and second I have the coloring close to yours. Yet I can't decide my season, it seems to me that I am flowing in between SA and DA. I think that you look very harmonious in that collage with TA celebs. And thank you for an idea of creating such collages - it can be helpful=)

  2. Thank you Sabira for commenting! I find that creating colleges can be very eye opening because you get to see you own colouring in comparison to somebody or something else - I would recommend doing a comparison collage with SA celebs and then DA celebs and see which you harmonize with the best!
