Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Natural Colour Harmony

I had an interesting discussion with one of my colour analysis friends!  We started talking about celebrities and wondering if any of them have taken the time to get their colours done.  I'm sure that for many photo shoots they are at the mercy of the makeup artists and yet again, the question came up 'how many makeup artists know/use colour theory/colour analysis?' - I find that many celebrities look amazing, regardless of what makeup colours they wear - perhaps this had to do with the lighting used, photo shopping, tweaking the background shades of a photo etc etc.  However, even if they look 'amazing' in 'any' colour - there is something uniquely harmonious when they are wearing their best colours.  I know that with myself, I am lucky enough to wear 'any' colour of the rainbow practically and make it 'work' - I can put on an electric blue top, hot pink lipstick, silver heels and look 'good' and get compliments.  So what's the big deal with colour analysis then - why am I so obsessed with it if I can wear 'any' colour???  There is something in our natural colouring that creates a harmony and beauty like no other.  Can I wear electric blue?  Sure I can, is it in harmony with my natural colouring?  The answer is 'no'!  There is a colour blueprint that we were all given at the time of our birth - a natural palette of skin, hair, eye colours that are unique to us!  And while we may look good in many colours, we look our BEST in the palette that nature has given us!  When we wear this natural palette, everything works in harmony - it almost feels like 'coming home' - its like a balance has been created that didn't exist before.  Think of it in terms of eating right for your body - you should be able to take any 'healthy' food and make it work for you right?  But why are some people better as vegetarians, others as following the paleo-diet, others who are told whole grains are healthy have celiac disease and can't eat gluten etc etc etc - its simple to say, eat healthy and you'll be fine, but we each have a genetic code and certain diets/foods will work better on our system than others.  The same goes with colour - you were born with a colour 'blueprint' and embracing it will ensure that you always look amazing, healthy, harmonious, young, and most importantly yourself!!!  WHen I wore that electric blue top and hot pink lipstick, I remember taking a photo, looking back and saying 'who is that person?  she's overdone and bit clownish' - this shouldn't be the effect that makeup and colour has on you - you should see the person, not the makeup.  Here is a visual of what I'm talking about - THis is a collage of my natural colouring (childhood photos where my natural colouring is evident) and me in the right palette - Soft Autumn!  You will see that there is no colour competition, everything 'blends' and is in harmony:

This is the effect that wearing your right colours should have - you should never hide your precious, natural beauty from the world - you have a set of colours that will always make you shine and be your best self - Embrace these colours and let the world see that your natural beauty is unique to you!!!


  1. Wow...I really love your website. You. Have a good eye for color. I used to wear whatt I wanted but ten years later find that the haphazard way I dressed no longer works so now I'm trying to find a harmony to my natural self. Love your website! You have a faithful reader.

  2. THank you so much Hadassah for writing and for your compliments! I really appreciate it - Have you ever tried doing a colour collage? Collages are so much fun to put together and you learn a lot about colour and what harmonizes - keep me posted! Have a great day!!!

  3. I think I'm an Autumn but I'm confused as to which one if I even am if you could have a look at my pics to help me I would gladly appreciate it please and thank you www.facebook.com/stephanierodriguez2011

  4. Hey Stephanie - thanks for writing - I took a look at some of your photos and I think that you may fall into one of the deep seasons - either deep autumn or even deep winter. I liked a photo of you in a deeper pink top and I liked how it looked against your skin - so I wouldn't rule out deep winter, which flows into autumn! But again, this is just my opinion - I feel that getting draped IRL is the best way to go!

  5. Renata, thank you so much for helping me get an idea on which season I'am. :):):):) do you know of a place n lower to middle Michigan I could get draped at?

  6. I live near TOronto, Ontario and unfortunetly don't know of anyone in Michigan - although doing a google search for colour analysts in your area would be a good place to start. You can also check out CHristine Scamans blog 12 blueprints - she would probably best direct you to a sci-art anaylist - I know there is one in New Jersey, but not sure about Michigan - sorry I can't be of more help!!!
