Thursday, September 6, 2012

Back to Work

I love my work and being back in the classroom has been wonderful!  Today a co-worker took a picture of me with her phone and after seeing it, I thought, this is the perfect everyday 'work' look:

The photo is not the clearest pic, but I love how subtle the look is:

I started with my basic makeup routine - tinted moisturizer, concealer, bronzer as powder, Gingerly blush. For my eyes, I mixed brule and retrospeck as a base, then mixed goldmine and bronze by MAC and applied from the lid into the crease, lined my eyes with Coffee eyeliner and smudged the upper lashline with NARS galapagos before applying mascara. The lipstick I used was MOCHA!!!   I think that a work look needs to be something that makes you feel comfortable yet pretty - you should be able to feel yourself, yet also feel confident talking to your collegues, administation etc.  You should be able to go to a 'last minute meeting' and always feel put together - a work look really needs to be functional, yet at the same time, it should have that aura of 'the world is my oyster' - knowing your colours is a great help with creating that balance!!!


  1. Wow Renata, you look AMAZING! Your pupils (and colleagues!) are very lucky indeed to have such an example of one who knows themself so well, and to be able to see you radiate your beautiful Warm Autumn aura every day!

  2. Thank you Sonia so much for such a wonderful compliment!!! The one thing that I've always done is dress my best for work - I think this is so important - people feed off your energy and if you take the time to care about yourself, it shows that you care about all things that you do!!! Thanks again!!!

  3. Dear Renata,
    I totally agree with what you say- you've hit the nail on the head: when you care about yourself, it shows you care about everything else. And when we wear our true colours, it's like we send out a message of truth and sincerity, of being oneself, and it's like a smile: you can't help but smile back! On the strength of this blog post of yours, I went and bought myself a fantastic pencil dress in heathered mauve (ultimate soft summer colour!) and I feel on top of the world today at work, and I got a compliment from every single colleague!

  4. That sounds fantastic Sonia - doesn't it feel amazing when you know you've put your best self forward? and it feels even more awesome when that is validated from others - they appreciate also that you look your best - I find that when you know AND wear your colours, others get pulled into your 'looking good' energy and then they in turn start looking their best!!! The world of colour is amazing!!!

  5. It is! It really is! And SO underrated! I find I often speak to people who are like, "yeah, I had my colours done years ago, I was told I was a Winter, whatever..." and I feel so frustrated because those are the hardest to convert, because they weren't given the full story back then, and they became disillusioned with it. I feel like I want to shout it on the rooftops: get your colour done people! But you know, it's like a silent revolution, and like you say, you emit this feel good-look good energy, and it kind of rubs off onto others...

  6. Wow, this is your best look! You remind me other beautiful warm autumn - Andie McDowell.

  7. Wow, you look fabulous, nice, healty and happy. This is your best look. You remind me other beautiful tue autumn Andie McDowell. Have nice a day :) megie

  8. What an awesome compliment - thanks so much Megie! I think Andie McDowell is so amazing - you just made my day!!!
