Sunday, September 30, 2012

Proud to be ME!

Today I spent a little bit of time going over some of my most recent makeup looks and I wanted to choose two that are representative of who I am today.  WHen I think about about my colour experiments and when I first started this blog, I went through a lot of phases - I like to call this my 'colour journey'.   I feel that learning about all the wrong colours for me and experiementing with different shades, looks, seasons etc has brought me to a new phase.  Right now I'm moving away from the phase of 'experimentation' and into the phase of discovery.  I now feel confident that I know my best makeup colours - I also feel secure and happy with my makeup techniques and style (which I feel have improved since I got certified as a makeup artist).  I am in a very happy place with myself - and I'm not at all suggesting that my journey is over - it never is, but my focus is changing from a youthful approach to makeup, to a more elegent, sophisticated approach.  So, after looking at all my recent photos, I found two that represent my favourite current look for day and evening - My day look is warm, soft, classic and natural, while my evening look is: defined, dramatic, rich and sultry - I am actually proud of myself right now!  I'm proud that I never gave up the search to find my best colours and my best self.  I'm proud that I finally took a passion of mine, 'makeup', went back to school and became a certified makeup artist.  I'm proud that I started this blog to share my journey with all of you and I'm proud that I'm continuing my journey to become my ultimate best self.  As a child I always wanted to be like someone else - to be taller, slimmer, blonde, have thin-straight hair etc etc - I no longer have that need to want to be like anyone else because I am so blissfully happy being 'me'!!!  AMEN


  1. AMEN indeed! What a lovely post Renata, you truly are an inspiration!

  2. Beautiful post and beautiful you :)

  3. It's been great to follow your journey! Yours is an interesting, honest, gung-ho voice in beauty blogs -- completely unique.

  4. Thank you so much Snezana - that means a lot!!!

  5. One on the left.. Perfect for lunch at a cafe. One on the right, we're going out to dinner at a classy restaurant.
