Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Simple, yet Romantic Look

Using the insight and information I gained from my last post (where I discovered my David Zyla 'romantic' colour is a warm/salmon pink), I decided to create a makeup look that also incorperates some of my other Zyla power colours - I used my Second Base best version of brown as a liner and smudged my First Base best version of black into the upper lashline) - It may sound complicated if you are not familiar with David Zyla's concepts of power colours, which is why I so highly recommend his book 'The Color of Style' - Its so insightful!  Here is the look that I came up with using some of my best Zyla power colours:

For this look I started with my basic foundation, concealer and bronzer as powder.  On my eyes, I used Elizabeth Arden Sparkiling eyeshadow as a base, MAC Soba from lid to crease (my tranquil shade), Lined my eyes with Coffee eyeliner (my 2nd base shade) and smudged Smut into the upper lashline (my 1st base shade).  I finished with Zoom Lash - Lofty Brown mascara.  On my cheeks, I used NARS Madly blush (a browned/neutral version of my romantic shade) and then mixed MAC's Kinda Sexy and Plink to acheive that perfect warm 'romantic' pink - and voila - a basic everyday makeup look, using David Zyla's colour concepts!


  1. Hi Renata,

    I think you look STRONG and FEMININE all at once. This look completely adds and takes nothing away. You look totally YOURSELF. What a stunning example of using ones' own (very individual) palette to bring forth the beauty that is already in us.
    As an aside, I have finally settled on my blog, what I'm calling it, how I'm presenting it, etc... and I have finally launched it, so I would love if you would have a look and let me know what you think? It's called Diary of a Colour Addict ( I hope you don't think I'm being pushy, it's just that you've inspired me so much that I thought you'd be the best person to share this with xxx

  2. That is so awesome - yes, I will definitely follow your blog! I'm excited to read it!!!
    Thanks once again for the feedback and compliments!

  3. Thanks so much! I feel priviledged! It's a work in progress, but I've never felt so creative and focussed. It's amazing what colour does for us when we tune into it :-)

  4. LOVE this on you! just the eyeshadow is a little overpowering for your delicate sea coloured eyes ^^
