One colour analysis source that I have found helpful is the website 'Pretty Your World' - Lora Alexander, the creator of the website and blog does a fantastic job at creating looks for the different palettes. She has her own makeup line, which is fantastic - the colour and quality of the products are amazing and you can shop by season - a huge bonus and takes out the guess work if you know your season. On her blog and website, you will also find information on the new 16 colour seasons. Some seasons are expanded further, for example, there is now: Soft Summer Deep, Deep Winter Soft, Toasted Spring etc - My question is, is there a possibility of a new 17th season called 'True Autumn Soft' - This season would clearly be deeper than the soft autumn palette, but has a level of warmth that the soft autumn deep needs??? I have to throw this question out there since I've made some new recent observations - since doing some more colour experiments, I've discovered that my eye colour has a definite level of softness and the eye-makeup look that is the most harmonious on me matches a warm-soft palette - check it out (the background of this photo is a collage of my actuall eye colour - I took photos of my eyes, cropped them, magnified the colour, then cut and paste the colour into a collage):

The first thing that pops out at me is that this collage definitely seems warm, muted and soft, but with hints of grey-blue - a subtle cool-softness that True Autumn palette lacks! I then decided to play around with this collage a bit more and added my favourite blush and lip combo:

Madly blush and Spice lipliner match the true autumn palette perfectly and the honeylove lipstick (pictured here) adds en element of softness when paired to the spice liner - the effect is very natural and pretty - I really like it! Honeylove is a light beige with pink undertones. I seem to handle a neutral palette quite well, need a level of warmth, but also a level of softness with a hint of cool - yet at the same time, my colouring is too deep to fit into the soft seasons??? I'm a bit stumped!!! So far, In terms of the 12 seasons, I personally feel that True Autumn works the best - but its still not 'perfect' - there are colours in the True Autumn palette that are lacking or missing and there is a level of softness with a hint of cool that I need as well! Interesting and worth blogging about!
Renata, what about the possibility that you could be a TA who can extend the palette a bit into SA? To me, the skin is the most important thing and the eyes are a nuance. It's easy to get so lost in the nuances as to forget TMIT. Why not use those nuances as extensions of TA? Rather than try to jump into the whole of the SA palette, why not see if it works best just to use SA where it goes with your eyes AND ALSO with TA?
Thanks Kat - I think I'm just in a process right now of knowing I'm TA, embracing it and now finding myself within the palette - at first I went crazy trying a lipstick shade in every single TA shade I could find - now I'm trying to find my very best colours - I like your suggestion of using some of SA shades as 'extensions' of TA - thanks so much for that!
Hi Renata! This is an interesting post, and some very relevant points, which I think a lot of us can identify with! I think that when we really explore our palettes, there comes a point where we are no longer satisfied with the categories that we are placed into, as really, no category is going to truly match a persons individuality fully. Perhaps the rules that have been outlined for one season or another are in need of revising: truth be told, if you can find your eye, hair, skin and lip shades in your palette, then it's the right one for you. Nonetheless, you did mention that you were a SOFT CLASSIC. The soft classic tends to be a summer type category, so perhaps what you're encountering is a very unique blend of TA colours with a Soft Classic twist, in other words, the Soft Classic gives you the ability to pull off a lot of the SA colours also, so long as you keep TA as your core. IMHO, when you wear your TA colours, you look powerful and amazing, and perhaps you feel more comfortable in the SA colours because they are more in keeping with your Soft Classic style. It is my firm belief that in any of the 12 seasons, there are going to be variances of all the other chromatic values to some degree, it's a bit like being a certain sun sign, but having a different rising sign. Maybe you're TA with SA rising!
You are 100% right Sonia - I keep forgetting the Soft Classic connection and how it relates to my palette - but you are right on the money!!!! THanks for bringing this to my attention and it does make a lot of sense - I do suit a softer look both with clothes, makeup and colours, but I often mistake my palette with my Soft Classic style type!!! You just gave me a lot to ponder about!!!
Renata, don't try to go even narrower, because you cannot sustain it, and it drives you crazy. Dividing up the seasons into even MORE categories means you get even fewer colors to play with. Instead of narrowing your definition, OPEN IT UP. You're an Autumn. Be any kind of Autumn you want, according to your own sweet whim. Let the rest of it go and just amuse yourself within this broader definition.
THanks Paisley - I like your perspective of 'Open It Up' to the definition of what an autumn is vs limiting myself even more - Thanks, I think I needed to hear it worded that way - makes total sense!!! I think for so long I've been used to being on the 'search' that now that I've found my season, I'm dealing with the 'now what' issue, but now is really the time to explore the palette and really delve into it! Thanks Paisley!!!
here I Start to be sure that you are a Bright winter...
Autumn flows into warm spring on one side of the 16 season diagram and soft summer on the other side. If your instincts say that you can borrow from either side you should. Also use a tinted or toned vs true autumn if a true autumn tone is overpowering. I too am a true autumn that feels like i'm in the grey area.
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