Sunday, December 2, 2012

Metamorphasis (Self-Reflection) and MAC DIVA Lipstick

Sometimes a total make-over metamorphasis is necessary!!!  I have been going through 'something' lately - something that has really hit me to the core - I guess I'm in a process of really having to take a hard look at my life and ask myself - Why do I give away my personal power to others?  Why do I care about what people think about me?  Why do I feel insecure and insignificant at times?  Why haven't I found the perfect guy for me?  Why is my life the way it is???  Asking myself these questions and realizing that some of my current relationships are toxic and not for my highest good, I've decided to 'seperate' myself from myself if that makes any sense - I've decided that I need to shed some skin - to finally take the plunge into discovering my 'true' self - my absolute 'authentic' self - since starting this process, I've discovered and felt almost every emotion any human can feel - anger, hurt, jealousy, blame, shame, guilt, but i've also felt that inner spirit within calling me to 'heal' - heal my heart, heal my mind, forgive myself and 'Move On' from the things and people that are not on the same joy path as me - its hard when you recognize that you and someone that you really love and care about are not on the same 'level' so to speak - you're on a different path, not a better or worse path, but on a 'different' path - its in my best interest right now to completely re-invent myself - to figure out who I am, what I want, why I'm here, whats my PURPOSE???  Its time for me to heal!!!  WELL - HERE'S THE BEST PART - part of this healing and transformative process is deciding to 'Make Over' my physical self as well - I decided I needed a new look to match the start of a new journey for me, so I decided to go with a choppy, wild 'Joan Jett' Inspired look, go richer with my hair colour with a hint of mahogany and try a new and rich/deep makeup look - Here is what I came up with.  I am so happy that this new journey has begun for me - I feel like I'm the process of discovering a being a whole new, 'authentic' me and I'm so GRATEFUL to God and the Universe for bringing me here, to this new life adventure:

Deep Rich Hair colour called for a deep and rich makeup look: I started with my basic face (mineral fusion foundation in olive, MAC NC 30 concealer and refined Golden Bronzer as powder) - I used MAC Raizin blush (my current favourite) and created a rich, earthy-chocolate look on my eyes - started with brule as my base, mixed soba and espresso and applied from the lid into the crease, lined my eyes with coffee liner and smudged embark into the upper lashline before finishing with black mascara (all MAC) - on my lips, I'm wearing MAC's mahogany liner with Diva lipstick!


  1. Haircut looks fabulous on you!

  2. I also like your haircut. You are right, Renata. If something goes wrong in your life it is time to make changes.

  3. that is so weird! I'm doing the same thing, maybe its the time of year? desperate to get myself on a better level of myself in appearance and personal strength. the problem is when colour analysis becomes an obsession -_- should not take this long. I hope you do okay, keep updated.

  4. also maybe you are a 'soft summer deep' or 'soft autumn deep' unless you have figured yours out already? I'll check back on your posts..

  5. Dear Renata,

    I am absolutely floored by your transformation! Your hairstyle and colour are both magical on you! This is most definitely an empowered look :-) I wholeheartedly agree with and understand everything you say in this post, and I admire your strength and beauty! You truly are an inspiration :-) Lots of love xxx

  6. I, too, am going through this exact metamorphasis. You have put into words many of my emotions! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and honest journey! You are such an inspiration.

    Hugs and best wishes,

  7. Wow - thank you SO much SarahRose for writing - I appreciate your comments so much! I've really begun a journey to become my authentic self and I'm so glad that you are going through the same process! Shedding an old skin can sometimes hurt, but its SO worth it!!!

  8. P.S If you are a Clear Winter (you have a strong contrast between eyes and hair and skin but also some autumn influence) I am sending you some coloristics. I don't really see that you are autumn...

  9. and the hair color the best for Clear Winters is 7.1, 6.1 etc. Regards

  10. THank you for those Coloristics - I absolutely LOVE those palettes and see myself in them - but are those bright winter or deep winter palettes? I would consider that more deep winter, but perhaps it is bright and I really do need to learn more about the bright winter season - THANK YOU so much!!!
