Monday, December 31, 2012

Revisiting Dark/Deep Winter

I'm glad that I recently experiemented with the bright winter shades - its lead me to consider Dark Winter as a very possible choice for me - I know for a fact that I have autumn influence, but also that I'm a 'neutral'.  Lately, I've discovered just how well I look in the deeper, more dramatic shades of burgundy, eggplant, mahogany etc - I can also wear black and grey shades very well.  I don't seem to do very well with the uber-bright pinks, but thats okay, because now I know that its strength of colour and 'depth' that I need - here is a little deep winter experiement that I've done:

And here are a few DW makeup photos that were taken of me in previous years - I think I may have just found my 'ideal' season:

In this photo I am wearing MAC's Fever blush with burgundy lipliner and Media Lipstick.  I think I mixed Coffee eyeliner (a dark brown) with Embark eyeshadow (a deep mahogany shade)

I love deep true red lipstick shades!

Here is Dark Winter makeup taken to the extreme - I recall wearing Media and applying it with a heavy hand - I love that I can handle the depth and contrast!

I am really liking the Dark Winter palette and I think I may have just settled onto a palette that may just be perfect for me!  Dark Winter is both deep, strong, rich - dominant winter, but still with a hint of Autumn - perfect!!!



  1. To be honest. I am not convinced that you are a Dark Winter. I think that Bright Winter is more possible. As I mntioned contrast fix you very well and there are only two seasons "with contrasts": Clear Spring or Bright Winter. So, if you look good wearing contrasts it could mean that you are one of these seasons. Check it:

  2. on that foto called "CLEAR":-) regards


  4. Megan Fox it is exactlly Clear (Bright) Winter example: Sorry for many comments;-) Regards!

  5. THank you Anonymous for all these links and for your feedback and opinion. I feel that although Megan Fox and I have similar skintones (neutral) and hair colour (neutral) - her eyes are much more clear than mine - My eyecolour is a rich greyish-green. In fact, for a while I thought I was a soft season because of the greyish green shade, but something never quite fit - now I realize that my hazel eyes are too rich and deep for the soft seasons. I think I'm going to play around with the deep winter palette a little longer - I feel there is something here for me to explore, but at the same time, I will continue to keep the clear winter in my mind. Thank you again for all the links - its very helpful to see these images!!!

  6. Some of these pics are really great, though I still think BW rather than DW. I can see how a certain "neutrality" suits you very well. Let 2013 be the year, dear Renata!

  7. Hello, I understand how you like colour and enjoy mixing it up but these lipsticks and eyeshadows are wearing you. I think you look effortlessly elegant in the Autumn palettes. You are rich and warm naturally. The winter palettes detract from this.

    Why not turn your magic onto others in identifying their best palettes? You have a real talent and eye for putting things together.

  8. Hi Renata :) After looking through all of your posts and your very thorough experiments to find your season.....I have an inkling that you may find yourself much faster using the 16 season system. I believe that you are a deep soft winter or "tinted" winter. From what I understand of this season type there is usually an underlying hint of warmth to the features and a definite need for depth and a little softness to the colours. I liked the soft summer makeup on you but there was something a little off.

    This site is very informative :) I love your blog so much, keep up the amazing work :)

  9. Thanks so much! I'm actually experimenting with the Toned Winter Season now and I absolutely LOVE it - I think that i'm definitely on the right track with this season, so thanks for the confirmation and wonderful compliment!!!

  10. Looking at your hair color and eye color, you're definitely not a dark (deep) winter palette. Deep winter women have very strong contrast. Their hair and eyes are very dark. Black, Black-Brown, and Very Dark Hazel eyes with Black, Black-Brown, Steel Grey, Dark Brown, Salt-N-Pepper hair. So jewel toned colors look great on these women because it balances out that contrast. You should see if a pastel peach (orange undertone) shirt looks good on you or a pastel icy pink (with a blue undertone). Or look at your veins in your wrist under natural light. To me, you're a "Clear" interchangeable with "Bright" because of your eye color and medium brown hair color. So if you want to try a winter color palette, I suggest you try a "Clear/Bright Winter" palette. I stumbled on this blog, and encourage you to try her suggestions out.

  11. Thank you so much for your input and comments - I really, really appreciate it - I was thinking recently about giving the clear season another try again, so this is just confirmation to head in that direction. Thank you!!!

  12. Renata, you look lovely in the deep winter color palette. Those red lipsticks look great on you.
