Saturday, January 26, 2013

Toned Winter Makeup Look - Deep Muted Magenta Lip

Deep Muted Magenta Look:

For this look I had to do a lot of mixing, esp for the eyes. I started with my basic base of sheer foundation, concealer and translucent powder. I mixed MAC's mineralize love thing blush with Fever blush for the cheeks. For the eyeshadow base, I mixed area and goldmine, then for the lid into crease shade, I mixed copperplate and shadowy lady. I then used goldmine again on the lid and applied to the inner tearducts and along the bottom lashline. I applied smolder eyeliner and smudged shadowy lady into the upper lashline before finishing wth mascara (all MAC). For a deep muted magenta lip, I applied MAC's Magenta lipliner and then blended in Media lipstick!!!


  1. I think you are not any winter type nor True Autumn. There is some softness, especially in your eyes. Let me say, you are either Soft Summer or Soft Autumn.

  2. I have to agree with the other comment. You just see the make-up in these photos and not you. I think you look prettier when we can actually see 'you' more than the make-up - in lighter, softer colours.

  3. I think you should try Dark Autumn since it is in between Warm Autumn (which you don't love) and Dark Winter (which I think is too cool and bright for you). I agree that this look is not enhancing your beauty, as all we notice is the bright makeup colors.

  4. I agree with the Soft Summer comment. I thought so even back then when you were in True Autumn colors as you seem to me like a cool season. Winter is maybe too harsh, but I like it better than the Autumn stuff on you.

    I would love to see you in some softer cool colors, like these: I think they would look very elegant on you !!

  5. Thanks SO much for that link - I absolutely LOVE that deeper blue-grey dress - its stunning! I think I fall somewhere between a deeper soft summer or a muted deep winter soft - I recently purchased the deeep winter soft palette swatch and I adore the colours - right now I'm still in the 'playing' around stage and am going for the deeper, dramatic shades, but once I settle into the more natural deep winter/toned shades, I think it will be perfect - but thanks you for the Soft Summer recommendations!!!

  6. I agree with the dark/deep autumn. Give it a try!

  7. Here's my opinion for what it is worth. You and I are both apparently having a similar struggle in determining our season. I have been told I'm every one of the seasons.. Like you I don't look bad in any of the seasons colours ..but I do beleive that each of us fall into one of them better... That being said, your profile picture of the moment is lovely. I have never seen you look like this, and it's like we see the real you. I think you look like a 'clear' season in this profile pic. Just mho (my humble opinion) Like others the bluer makeup makes you look 'goth or too blue and doesn't show your beauty. Good luck and good for you to not quit till you discover the truth about your palette.

  8. Renata your profile pic is just perfect. It looks there like you are a 'clear' season, and I don't think that is one you have considered. I , like others, don't like the blue makeup on you... it just doesn't do you justice. You are lovely and your pretty face does not show, just the makeup in the summer and winter colours. Perhaps true spring? IMHO.. just don't quit till you get it..

  9. Hi Linda - thanks so much for your messages! I really appreciate getting feedback from people and thank you so much for the compliments. I completely understand how you feel about not fitting into a season - its been such a struggle, but at the same time, so much fun to explore with colour and makeup. I'm considering playing around with some clearer shades. I have to admit that between a brownish blush shade and a brighter peachy shade, the peachy shade wins hands down and red lips are just stunning period - CHanel Frivole blush and NARS Jungle Red lipstick are my current faves and its the combination I'm wearing in my profile pic.......hmmm..... maybe I will give bright spring another go - or perhaps its a matter or blending a few seasons until I get it 'right!!! Thanks again Linda for your 'colour support' - us 'non-season' women need to stick together - lol
