Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Winter Comparison

I decided to do a little visual photo comparison of me in the three winter palettes - Bright Winter vs True Winter vs Deep Winter - I think this illustrates really well the difference between the three winters and how the more 'neutral - Deep' season seems to fit me the best of the three:


  1. I really really don't like the bright winter one...all I see is splotches of color which is unfortunate because you are such a knockout. Out of those three I like the last one best but really am not in LOVE with any of the three. You are so lucky you can carry a little darkness!

  2. Phew, I'm sooo happy to read your post re how you love the process...since for me, constantly changing seasons would send me slightly insane. If your penchant is to elicit honest input, may I submit my vote against anything Winter. I see it making you sallow and not in harmony with you. If you don't like my analysis, please ignore me...won't hurt my feelings at all. Ha! Ha!
    (When you get tired of all the experimenting and settle into TA, I promise not to say "I told you so". Best wishes for 2013. Donna

  3. Hi, I forgot to ask if you have a celebrity color look-a-like. I have not been able to find anyone who has similar coloring to mine. It would be helpful to have someone to emulate. Who are your icons?
    I love the 1940's glamour. The elegance and sophistication make me drool. Unfortunate that the movies were black & white.

  4. Hi Donna,

    Thanks for the feedback - I actually really appreciate it and I never take offense. I do like the TA palette, but there is just something that is 'calling me' towards DW, so when the urge hits, I like to experiment! As for celebrity color look-a-likes, I actually have 'never' come across someone that I feel I resemble color-wise, but now its made me curious and I will have to keep my eyes open - As for my icons, I have a few - In terms of style, I really like that old classic style of Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Grace Kelly - In terms of modern day icons, I really like Katie Holmes, Jennifer Aniston, Gwenyth Paltrow and I admire Sienna Millers Bohemian flair! In terms of makeup, I've always liked Katie Holmes makeup looks and I love anyone that can pull off a red lip - this is my favourite look of all time - either a true or deep red lip - to me this is very chic! ALso, I agree, that 1940's glamour is perfection!!!

  5. Hello. I enjoy your blog as I have been interested in PCA too. I just thought I'd jump in and say I don't think these winter colours are as nice as the autumn on you. Also, I think you look nicer in the lighter autumn shades, like when you've posted photos with the autumn pink lipstick (gorgeous!) vs the dark mahogany colour. However, if you're not happy with your colours, then something isn't quite right. I had one PCA years ago that turned out to be wrong, and I never liked the season/colours. With a second one, I felt confident of the outcome, it just felt right, and because the colours make me feel so comfortable I wouldn't dream of experimenting or gravitating away from them. Just my opinion for what it's worth.

  6. Hey Renata,

    I have been on here to post in quite some time, but I still love to drop by and read your blog now and again. Great stuff!

    I wanted to just make a comment. I think that you have parts of different seasons in you, just as I do. I had a personal color analysis done by John Kitchener (I know that he is far away and that it would be hard for you to do), but he was amazing and every color he gave me works. He said that I have a unique quality because I have a full spectrum - every color of the rainbow - in my palette. Yep, pinks, yellows, oranges, reds, blues, greens, you get the picture. The only similar quality that they all have is that they aren't too bright. I have celery, lemon yellow, sage, rose, and muted oranges. I can also wear gold, silver, brass, and copper.
    I guess what I am trying to say is that perhaps you aren't just one 'season'. Perhaps you are a combination of seasons because you really can pull off so much.
    I love my colors and know they are right, but it is hard sometimes not saying I'm a particular season because I have invested so much of my time into research and learning about the 12 seasons. Now I just hope I can relax, embrace all of my amazing colors (I have over 100), and enjoy feeling like I am being me.
    I wish you luck too in your journey and keep enjoying it. You have a great eye for color and are fabulous at what you do!

    Love, Melinda

  7. Thanks SO much Melinda - first, thanks for sharing your experience and second, I feel you are absolutely right - I feel that the 12 seasons don't fit me 100%, like I can wear various colours from various seasons - I would love to have an analysis with John Kitcheneer, I'll have to find out where he is! I think that we are all so unique that a personal palette of various colours makes more sense than having 12 categories that you place millions of women in - thank you again for sharing this with me - I really appreciate it and I think you are right!!!

  8. Hi Renata :), After spending so many years trying to figure out my season using makeup and drapes I have finally come to an interesting conclusion. It seems to me that no matter whether a woman is cool or warm or soft or bright....her best look is always going to be a natural looking pink lip and a grey or brown eyeshadow?? Even looking at the photos of you sporting many different looks and colours you always look your best and your freshest in a pinkish/nude lip and some gentle eyeliner....I can't see how anyone could possibly look their best in a fuschia or bright red lip:/ It's just overdone and attention seeking no matter the colouring of the individual. I am seriously beginning to doubt colour analysis now. I have over the years been analysed as a soft and light summer and also a bright spring and a soft autumn? It's just so confusing. Having said all that I really love your blog and I am very impressed with how much detail you go into in the bid to decode your season :)

  9. Thank you so much for your comment and feedback Caroline - I agree that a natural look is always best, but I just LOVE a deep burgundy lip these days - I love what you said about a natural pink and neutral brown/grey as the best look for anyone - that is very true! It is such a classic look! I also agree, that colour analysis is so tricky and I'm also starting to doubt how accurate it is - I personally now consider myself a 'colour nomad' - I will continue to experiement with various looks, but I have to say that right now, I'm loving the deep winter soft palette - one of the 16 seasons! I think I'm going to experiment with this look for a little bit longer! Thanks again so much for writing and offering your opinion and feedback - I REALLY appreciate feedback and love hearing from people who read/follow my blog!!!

  10. I think deep autumn or some other autumn! :) Not SA though
