Friday, July 12, 2013

A 'Softer' Smokey Eye with a Brick Lip Shade

I decided to create this look based on a facebook request that I received from one of my friends. She wanted to see me try a softer, more subtle smokey eye with a neutral blush shade and a brick toned lipstick. I think that in terms of colour analysis, the shades are true to the Soft Autumn palette. I also got a lot of feedback from my recent 'palette mystery' posts both on this blog and on FB and it seems that Soft Autumn keeps coming up as people's favourite palette on me. I have to say that after creating this look, there is something to be said about not ruling out SA and giving this palette another chance. Check out this look - i'd really appreciate any feedback you have and I always enjoy taking requests for different looks:
For the subtle smokey eye, I started with arena as a base shade, then mixed coquette and soba and applied from the lid to the crease - I then used ricepaper on the lid, blooz eyeliner and smudged the upper lashline with embark eyeshadow (all MAC) - I finished with black mascara. I used NARS Madly blush on the cheeks and for the lips, I combined MAC's Mahogany lipliner with Spice is Nice Lipstick!!! I actually really adore the Spice is Nice lipstick - Its my new favourite shade - a perfect wearable everyday brownish-red/mahogany!!!


  1. I've been checking out your blog for quite a while and I must add that autumn is definitely your season. Deep winter seems to heavy and just sits on you. I know it can be somewhat confusing. I have dark hair and soft deep hazel eyes (olive like)and I lean a little cool, but can pull off some warm reds and muted oranges. My coloring is similar to Jennifer Garner and Katie Holmes and they seem to look better in the mid-range. I believe that I am a soft because the deeper colors of deep winter are too heavy on me, but I still struggle with some of the grayed colors of the soft summer palette. I lie somewhere between the soft and deep, either a soft summer deep or a deep winter soft, but if I had to pick a 12 season palette it would probably be a soft summer.

  2. Thank you so much SD for writing - I think that I have to get real with myself and admit that some type of autumn is better for me than the harsh cool tones - TOday I worked on creating a deeper soft autumn look that is gorgeous and makes me want to seriously give SA another chance. I think however, that I can easily borrow shades from other seasons and because I'm an artist at heart, I can easily create looks from different seasons and somehow make them 'work' - in terms of a natural. harmonious palette - it seems that SA works the best for me - sigh - I was kinda envious of the DW look, but its more important to be real than to be stubborn - lol

  3. I hear you on being envious of the deep winter palette. I also love those colors and see no reason why I can't steal the ones towards the light end of the spectrum that do look good on me. There is no written rule that says we have to stay 100% within a color season, skin color is too complex for that.

  4. I absolutely agree SD - I think that we 'intuitively' know which colours we like, should wear, don't suit us etc - I think that if someone knows they look hiddeous in mustard for example, they naturally stay away from it - I also think that we don't just fall into one season 100% - I think we are a custom blend of various colours/palettes!!!
