Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Shine Your Light

I am 'beaming' and so excited right now!!! I love how amazing my life is, how grateful I am for every, single experience that I have ever had! I've decided to start 'vlogging' on you-tube! I hope to start creating some 'how to' makeup videos, particularily with the looks that I've been creating since my trip to Paris. However, so far, I have just posted my first vlog and I decided that it should be an introduction about who I am as a person. I decided that I want my life to inspire, to create good intentions and to awaken fully to my authenticity. I want the world to know that when each of us wakes up to the goodness and light that is within, we can all shine together in truth and purity. Interestingly enough, this was inspired by some vengeful and hateful comments that I recently recieved on this blog. How amazing is it that when 'darkness' is thrown my way, I just shine brighter and brighter! Thank you God for all your blessings - its my time to SHINE!!! I hope that you enjoy my first vlog - this is just the beginning of a whole new world - Only great things are on their way for me and this blog - Thank you to everyone who has supported me - I really look forward to vlogging about makeup tips soon - SO 'uber' excited right now!!! Ok, without any further waiting, here is my first vlog:


  1. Renata, this is so exciting!! You are a class act, Soft Elegance thru & thru, amazing, wise and inspiring. Thank you!!

  2. I am so uber excited for this new phase in my life - Thank you so much Fil for your kind words, I really appreciate it!!! I look forward to doing some makeup 'vlogs' in the near future too! Shine bright!!!

  3. Softer, I like it!
