Friday, March 14, 2014

Celebrate Your Life!!!.......with a little Ruby Woo

Today I am celebrating!!! Today is my Birthday!!! I'm a March baby, a true Pisces! I'm excited to celebrate my life this year because I really feel like I've hit huge 'a-ha' moment in my life. I'm proud of myself - I'm proud of who I am, what kind of person I am - I'm happy to be me!!! I'm also truly 'Blessed'! I'm blessed to have such an amazing family - to have great, caring friends. God has blessed me in many ways and although the past year had its ups and downs, every 'trial' that has come my way, has made me stronger, has made me even more grateful to be alive, has restored by faith that everything happens for a reason and for a 'season'. I celebrate the Renata that I am today - a woman who knows her worth - who has really discovered the beauty of true friendship, the importance of family and the life-changing impact of Red-Lipstick!!! Cheers to the woman who I have 'become'!!! One thing that I have really learned is that true class is not only about what you 'look' like - its the energy that you exude and how you carry yourself and present yourself to others. TRUE Class is really about being a good-hearted person!!! I want to thank my Grandmother and my mother for teaching me that lesson!!!
I decided for my birthday today to create a makeup look that I discovered while at the House of Chanel in Paris. I remeber having the most delightful experience there and meeting a makeup artist who really look the time to teach me a very elegant and classy makeup look. It all begins with a clean face, some concealer and a light tinted moisturizer, a natural toned blush and an subtle smokey/defined eye - I'm using Prelude eyeshadow quad with a Navy Liner (blooz by MAC), smudged with the darkest shade of the Prelude palette. Since I went with a defined eye, I still wanted that 'red' lip look but subtle, so I lined my lips with MAC's Spice before filling in the lip with Ruby Woo - Chanel's Gabrielle and YSL #1 Le Rouge are also amazing Red's that I discovered in Paris!!! So today I've beginning the day with a croissant, a nice strong coffee and will end the day with a peice of cake, a glass of wine and a HUGE self-hug!!! I embrace and Love the person that I am!!! :)


  1. happy birthday :-)
    I can't pull off bright reds, but I really love the second pic! The lighting really added to the beauty of the pic.

  2. Thank you so much!!! I'm really loving Ruby Woo! Have you ever tried a deeper red like NARS fire down below? Im going to do a post on that colour shortly - stay tuned!

  3. Hi there! I enjoyed following your color journey from beginning to the present. I was so glad when you went back to True Autumn. You definitely nailed it with True Autumn!

    So now that you know your season, you HAVE to try Elea Blake's Sci/Art makeup line! I ordered the lip sample pack in my season (DW), and every single color looked fantastic! I was floored and beyond thrilled to discover she was the real deal. It was hard not to buy all 15 colors lol. Order her TA samples and see what you think! You get about samples in little baggies for about 8 bucks, and it's so much fun to try them on in the privacy of your own home!

    Take care and keep up the great work : )

  4. Great idea, will have to try the Elea Blake line soon - thanks again for the suggestion!!!
