Sunday, February 1, 2015

The STRUGGLE for a Season.........................

Finding my best colour season, playing around with makeup and discovering which colours work the best for me has always been a life-long mission from the first time I ever discovered 'makeup'. For me, its been about a process of discovery, learning something new about myself every time I find a colour works. I've also been on a quest to find a signature look - something that is unique to me. In the process of trying to put myself in a category or find one ultimate look, I've found time and time again that I just don't fit into a tiny labelled box. I've noticed that my journey through this blog has been interesting and I'm sure to some 'Anonymous' people (who don't understand the process of self-discovery), my posts of re-evaluating my season/look/style can seem confusing, even annoying. However, one thing that I know for sure, this process, or this 'Struggle' to keep searching, isn't a struggle at all - its more of an unveiling or un-layering of all the things that no longer work. Each time I discover or re-discover or continue to discover something for the first, second, third or even fourth time - it's just another moment that I confirm the truth of my journey. Confirmation of where I am along my personal colour/life journey is not an ultimate truth - its an evolution. I've tested and experiemented with almost every single season. I've claimed various seasons as my home season (possibly even more than once or twice). I've concluded at this point that Autumn has and always will be my best season and True Autumn is my current home. I'm sure that as I continue to learn about my colours more and more, my journey will evolve yet again. And at some point, I'll yearn to wear an off-season colour and that's okay too - I think that we struggle to fit in because we never really 'fit in' - we like to put ourselves into a category - because it does give us a sense of belonging to the 'tribe' - in this case, I'm an Autumn Tribesman, hunting and gathering for my season. However, every heroes journey is about 'leaving' the tribe, going on a quest and finally returning to the tribe with more wisdom and strength. My critics will say that I 'struggle for an identity' - I actually laugh at this type of commentary because its not about 'identity' for me - its about 'Discovery' - its about the journey, not the destination. For every person out there that's 'struggling for a season' or trying to find their best colours, keep searching, enjoy the process, love the journey - its such a beautiful journey because with every experiement gone wrong, you've actually done something that will move you to a more beautiful road in your journey. Everytime you hear a critic, ask yourself - whose journey is this? whose opinion really matters? Its YOUR personal colour journey, so embrace it and love it no matter what road you're currently taking - remember in the end, you'll return to your true tribe with more widsom than you ever thought possible!!! Embrace YOUR own personal self-discovery journey!!! Each and every step is precious!!!


  1. Hi Renata - I share your pain! It's a struggle to fit in a season, but it's fun and creative too. What's helped me finally is reading this blog from 2010 where
    the "Vain Villain" puts people in categories other than the 4 seasons (though that's in there too). Made a lot more sense to me, and you definitely seem to be a chameleon "soft".

  2. I may stray from my season once in a while, only to come back to my dark autumn colors. I partially blame cosmetic companies for my occasional discontent with my own season. Many dark autumns look best in orange based BROWNS, not purple browns or the overwhelmingly abundant pinky browns. Companies usually have one dark orange based brown if that, and no tone variations of it. It seems like most cosmetic brands are over producing cool colors.
