Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Creating Looks - My 'A-Ha' Moment

When I think about the various ways in which I get my makeup inspiration, three things tend to come to mind:

1) Colour (of course)
2) Celebrity Makeup Looks
3) Magazine Ads

It's funny to admit, but I often choose magazines to read and movies to watch based on the makeup the actress is wearing or the makeup ads I like.  I get inspired by seeing HOW colours works, what colours were chosen.  One key things that i've been seeing over and over and over again is the various layering of colour used to get a certain look.  This is where colour analysis falls short!  To create a harmonious and personalized took, not everything is 100% cool toned, warm toned, neutral - the BEST looks are really a combination of everything, then ADD to that lighting, the camera, the elements outdoors, airbrushing etc etc etc.  I think we get so fixated on buying a specific lipstick or wearing a specific palette, that we forget everything that goes into a look.  To sort of prove my point, I used my own personalized palette as my inspiration, but I went all out mixing various colours to achieve a look that is VERY unique - its soft and pretty, but its neither cool, nor warm - its a Hybrid!!! ANd that's what I'm learning is the KEY to creating the best looks! That being said, I also think, as a makeup artist that you need years of understanding colour, to use colour the way you need and want!  All my makeup colour analysis/palette experimentation over the years on this blog has not been in vain - I've learned SO much about colour, application, colour harmony, tones, value, contrast etc etc etc - all those tools have made me a 'better' makeup artist!  Now, I'm learning to step away from all the colour 'rules' and creating/applying looks based on what I desire and want to create in that moment!  Its freeing, but its also a sign of growth, experience with makeup and colour!!!

For this look today, I started with a neutral toned concealer and applied Laura Mercier Sand tinted moisturizer!  On the eyes, I used soba eyeshadow by MAC on the lid and crease.  I applied Sephora Dark taupe shimmer liner stick on the top lashline and smudged that with a blend of mystery/coppertone by MAC.  On the lower lashline I used MAC grey utility liner.  I wanted a warmer glow on my face, so I used Trace Gold blush by MAC.  FOr the lips, I first applied NARS Belle De Jour, then went over that with NARS Rikugien Liner.  Voila!!!

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