Friday, May 15, 2015

MAC Faux Lipstick

I wanted to begin this post by saying THANK-YOU so much for all the wonderful, uplifting and inspiring feedback and compliments I've been receiving on this blog.  I don't always have the opportunity to write back, but I definitely wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate it!!!  Hearing feedback from you inspires me to continue creating looks and making new colour discoveries!!!  To all my readers and fans - You ROCK!!!

Today's post is about a lipstick that I just rediscovered on a trip to Ottawa.  I went as a supervisor for a class trip and when we had some free time, everyone wanted to 'see the sights', then hit the malls :) I got so excited when I saw the MAC store and had to go in!  First, I want to share a little secret with you - when I go makeup shopping, I like to play 'stupid' sometimes - meaning, I'll go in pretending that I know 'nothing' about makeup because I like to see what other makeup artists recommend.  I usually know within a few minutes who is being genuine and who is out 'just to sell a product'.  I also like to continue learning from other makeup artists and picking up tips.  Well, the makeup artist I dealt with at the MAC store in Ottawa was 'Amazing' - she quickly picked up Faux lipstick as my perfect everyday shade.  As soon as I swiped it on, I felt 'perfect'!  The first thought that went through my mind, was 'Wow - of all the MAC lipsticks I've tried recently, how did I miss this one???' - I guess that in the tube itself, its just a standard pinky-mauve - a colour that I thought I had dupes of, but turns out that Faux is a very unique pink-mauve - its the texture and consistency that makes this lipstick 'rock'!  I walked out of that MAC store feeling really awesome and was very grateful for that makeup artists advice.  Sometimes we think we know what we want or think we 'know it all' when it comes to the colours we like/want - but sometimes we don't - sometimes we need another set of eyes guide us to try something new.  It made me realize that there are so many makeup products that we simply 'Ignore' because they aren't interesting in the tube or they aren't promoted as the 'IT' colour of the moment.  I have a new appreciation for makeup, makeup artistry, makeup artists!!!  Here is my makeup look, inspired by Faux lipstick, the colour I ignored for so long :)

For this look, I started with applying Espresso shadow from the lid into the crease.  I then applied smolder eyeliner (with a very light hand) - I smudged sketch into the upper lashline and finished with black mascara.  For the blush, I applied Gentle mineralize blush and of course, Faux Lipstick - all products by MAC for this look!  I like the softer, cooler tones for this look with a deeper, netural toned eye!  I'm very excited to play around with Faux lipstick and perhaps even make this my everyday signature :)

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