Monday, May 4, 2015

MY 500th POST!!!

It's time to CELEBRATE - Today is my 500th post on this blog.  Thank you to everyone who has joined me on my colour/makeup/life journey.  Its been filled with new colour discoveries, interesting experiments, great feedback from you and basically one learning experience after another.  Right now in my journey, I'm definitely moving away from the restrictions of colour analysis and enjoying discovering my own personalized palette, based on the colours found all around myself - my eyes, hair, skin, lips etc - we are ALL so uniquely different - its crazy to me now to think that we need to try and fit into one palette only.  Saying that, I love colour analysis - I love the palettes and they do 'work' on some level - the problem becomes when we look at them as 'Gospel Truth' - I for one, have settled on some variation of Soft Summer Deep mixed with some Soft Autumn and even some Toned Spring - there are colours in each palette that I love and know work for me!  Furthermore, there are days where my soul just feels like wearing Bold True Blue or a Striking Pumpkin Orange - and guess what? I will wear them with Pride!  Colour is meant to be filled with wonder, awe, its meant to be appreciated and loved.  Using colour and wearing colour is just like a painting - its personalized!  Each personal palette is striking and beautiful, even if it doesn't make sense at first!!! So today I'm celebrating embracing the palette that is uniquely mine, while enjoying the diversity of playing around with all the colour palettes! I'm a artist first and foremost!!!

Here is my personalized palette - the colours that I've been working with lately

Here are a few looks I've put together based on this palette:

There is so much room to have fun with the colours that really suit you!  There is also room to explore and experiment, so I can finish this post with some advice, it would be as follows"

1 - LOVE who YOU are!!!
2 - Have FUN with Colour!!!
3 - Enjoy the Journey
4 - LEARN from every Experience and Experiment
5 - LOVE who YOU are!!!


  1. This last look is exquisite.

  2. Cool... Would you be so kind as to share where we may get the color pallets you show here on your current blog? Thanks! :)

  3. PS: I just asked about the palettes you used and wanted to add that you look very pretty in "your" colors... You look fantastic.

  4. Anonymous - I created these palettes myself. I took a close up photo of my natural eye, skin and lip colour, then magnified the shades to create this personal palette collage. :)

  5. Good job! They look amazing!

  6. Would you be willing to share wha type of program you used tomcreatebhem? I would like to try this, yet I'm not sure how.

  7. Sure, very simple - I used the Insta-collage feature on my eye phone!!! :)

  8. Aha.... I only have iPad, oh well. Anyway, you are very clever/creative.

  9. Oh, cool. You are so creative!
