Thursday, June 4, 2015

Chanel Caractere Lipstick

Caractere is one of those lipsticks that is very memorable for me and it's a colour I don't wear enough!  It's memorable to me because I purchased it for the first time in Paris.  It was at the Chanel counter inside the Gallery Lafaette! I will never forget the experience of the elegant Parisian makeup artist who helped me out.  I told her I was looking for a chic everyday lipstick and she picked this shade for me.  Today I decided to pair it with Electra shadow on the lid, smolder liner smudged with mystery shadow on the upper lash line (all MAC) and then a light sweep of Oasis blush by NARS!

Now that I think back about that 'Paris lipstick purchase experience', I'm questioning, 'Why am I not wearing this colour more often?'.  When I took the time to really answer that question, its because I'm constantly trying and buying new shades, that I never take the time to appreciate the ones that really matter.

I'm beginning to really understand the importance of building a makeup wardrobe based on essentials, vs trends and getting stuck in the 'habit of buying'.  It will come to no surprise that this colour will be on my new list.  Which brings me to my question for you all:

How many lipsticks do you think a woman really needs?

What's the magic number of lipsticks that one should have in their 'makeup wardrobe?'

I'm so curious to read your responses to this one!!!

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