Thursday, June 25, 2015

Lipstick and Colour Analysis Rant :)

I think that combining red and pink lipstick shades has become a new makeup obsession for me.  This morning I applied my NARS Fire Down Below lipstick and felt like it needed something 'more' - I thought to myself: 'do I want to add a true red or something more wine-like???' - I decided I needed something with a little pop of colour, so I decided to try NARS Schiap on top - Success!!!  I absolutely loved the combination:

I've been thinking a lot about lipstick lately and how lipstick seems to be the product that I'm the most interested in and obsessed about!  Aside from colour theory, choosing and creating a signature lipstick look has been the focus of my makeup journey.  I've taken a step back from colour analysis because I started to find that it was too 'boxed in' and colour perception really is in the eye of the beholder.  I was draped twice as a True Autumn and I don't agree with that analysis now.  Every time I post a look on this blog and relate it back to colour theory, I get some great feedback from people (which I love), but everyone seems to see something different or like a particular look on me vs another.  I'm just happy to post and learn from each makeup experiment I do!  I feel personally drawn to the Deep Winter palette and am currently exploring that again, but I don't want to make my blog about 'what season am I?' - I'm going to leave that topic by saying that I'm for sure some type of neutral that can get away with various colours and looks.  Do I value colour analysis and think it has a valid place? Absolutely!!!  I think that its important to know what colours look good on you, but I don't think you need to deny yourself wearing something you really like because it doesn't fit into a seasonal 'box'!!!  On that note, I'm going to be exploring the lipsticks I love and I'm going to continue in my efforts to create a makeup 'wardrobe' - although, I have to admit that its been harder than I initially thought - I love lipstick too much to just keep '5' - :) However, its time to get serious about budgeting for makeup and I've always loved the idea of having a signature look - a set of lipsticks that I wear on a consistent basis - its very 'Chic'!!!  

For this look that I created today, I used a shimmery white shadow from the lid into the crease (Make Up For Ever in Diamond Shimmer White).  I then applied Smolder eyeliner and smudged in Smut shadow (both MAC) - I've been applying eyeliner to the outer 3/4 of my eyelid vs the entire lid and I'm loving this effect (I discovered this looks the best and helps to open up my eye and give less of that 'heavy handed eyeliner look).  For the blush, I applied Sin by NARS and for the lipstick look, Fire Down Below blended with Schiap (NARS)!!!


  1. NARS Dragon Girl,
    dior 756 fireworks
    dior 789 belissima

  2. I agree! I am a neutral, too, I think! I've been told I'm almost every season based on draping sessions and now in thinking, Hmmmph, maybe I'm a Summer.... The only season I wasn't typed as, haha! I think the clot,theory is interesting but just too subjective to lighting, health, mood, qualifications, opinion, etc.
