Monday, June 8, 2015


I remember my mother always telling me 'Simplicity is Elegance'.  My mom is one of those women that I look up to in awe because she carries herself so well.  She has that allure where you wonder to yourself "what is it about her that makes her so elegant?".  I've come to understand that its because she has the perfect balance of simplicity and chic - she knows exactly what's 'enough' when it comes to an outfit or clothes.  I used to roll my eyes when she used to say "that belt doesn't go with that, its "too much"' or "you need to balance that dress with more accessories" (or less depending on the details of the dress).  Ladies, listen to the advice you mothers and grandmothers give you about style - they know things that our society has forgotten.  Today fashion is all about trends and lets be honest, its about what sells.  I remember my grandmother telling me that quality is better than quantity - its better to have a 10 item wardrobe of high quality that you can mix and match vs a 'huge' closet worth of miss-matched items that were trends at the time.  It's the advice the French have been giving all along and there is something to be learned from it.  Almost everyone knows that I love makeup and one of my faults up until this point has been buying what's in trend or trying to fit a season so badly that I've missed the mark.  I have a cluttered 'makeup wardrobe' and I'd like to have one based on quality over quantity.  This weekend I sat down and went through everything - I'm trying to get back to the essentials.  So far, I've created this look and hopefully, I can create a few more that have that simple elegance about that.  I'd love for people to look at me one day, the way I look at my mom, and think "What is it about her that is so elegant?' - It's a journey for sure and I'm ready to start :)

For this simple look, I started with my basic concealer and tinted moisturizer.  I then applied Chanel 'Gris' eyeliner on the upper lash-line only and blended in a deeper grey-taupe into the liner to give it a slight smudge.  I used black mascara and brushed my brows.  I then applied NARS Sin blush!  For the lips - Chanel Caractere, my current favourite!!! Voila, my simple everyday look!!!

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