Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Baring it All - Going Make Up Free

One thing that I don't do as much as I'd like, is go makeup free.  It's so important that we let our skin breathe and take a break to rejuvenate itself!  I've decided that I need to make this a weekly habit.  Not only is it a great practice for your skin, but I think that there is some ownership in loving how you look just as you are, without the 'makeup mask'!  I myself get caught up sometimes in showing my best self with makeup that I forget my true best self, which the person underneath the mask.  So I decided that a good way to start this 'going naked' routine is to show myself 'makeup free':

Baring it all can be very vulnerable, especially when we live in a world where looks are so 'important'.  I've decided to do a bit of a study of the question 'what is beauty?' and the various interpretations of how beauty is seen around the world.  The more pictures I see, the more I notice that beauty is when your natural self is exposed - when you are being your most real, you are being your most beautiful self.  Beauty shines 'through you' - its not always what you layer on yourself and what you use to decorate the body you have!  I personally want to take a pledge to be more vulnerable, to be myself in all my glory, to accept every aspect of myself!!! I hope that more women around the world will take a similar pledge -to be themselves and to love themselves, just as they are!


  1. At this picture you look far the best from all pictures here and at least 10 years younger :-).

  2. i agree with Anonymous--you look way better with no makeup, than with. i'm not just saying that, since i love makeup. but i swear you look ten times better here! your skin is exceptional

  3. Wow thanks so much!!! I just need a little bit more of a confidence boost to start wearing this out everyday - I'd like to be able to find a very minimal makeup look, but no matter what I try, my liner always ends up heavy handed lol - it drives me crazy sometimes!

  4. I completely agree with previous posts, you look best here! Add a little mascara and that's IT! I swear, that's your best self. You look fresh and far younger without the makeup. It'd be a shame to hide such beautiful skin.

  5. I appreciate the feedback/compliment - I'm going to try to create a 'very' minimal look -some mascara, a touch of blush/natural lipstick - and I'm going to try going makeup free more often :) Thanks for the confidence boost!
