Friday, August 21, 2015

Minimal, Simple, Just a 'Touch' of Makeup!

I've been getting a lot of positive feedback from my 'Le No Makeup Look' post!  I very much appreciate that many of you like my look 'makeup free'!  I wanted to try and create a look where I'm wearing just a 'touch' of makeup.  One of the comments that I got a lot was 'why not try just wearing mascara?'.  I've been an eyeliner woman for a 'very' long time - so its a little foreign to me to just wear mascara.  However, I have to admit, I 'love' the idea of a simple, minimal, swipe and go look.  Even more, I like the idea of going 'makeup free' more often.  I had an interesting conversation with a young teenager recently, where she told me that she feels makeup is a mask.  I was taken a-back because I've been wearing and blogging about makeup for so long, that I sometimes forget that not everyone likes the look and feel of makeup and the definition of femininity isn't always a gorgeous makeup look.  Femininity, beauty and elegance are about so much more!  Makeup is simply 'one' factor, its not the 'whole'!  I really admired this young teens opinion on makeup!  So here is a very simple, minimal makeup look that I hope to sport more often:

I used only a few products for this - I started with my typical concealer/tinted moisturizer combination - I like tinted moisturizer so much better than foundation.  It's so light and sheer.  My favourite it Laura Mercier's oil free TM in 'Ochre'.  I then blended two blush shades - MAC Trace Gold and Bushbaby for a very natural flush.  I applied a light sweep of Sable eyeshadow, just on the lid and used black mascara - a swipe or two!  For the lips, I decided on a soft, pretty shade - Ramblin Rose by MAC!!!  I have to admit that looking at these photos, I really like the shape of my eye!  Maybe I have been masking myself with too much of a dramatic look or perhaps I need to reserve that look for a different event/evening.  Either way, I like the idea of 'taking off the mask' once in a while!!!  It's like I'm shedding a makeup skin and the real me is coming through!!! :)

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