Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Get Your GLOW On.....................................

My secret to the ultimate Healthy “Summer” glow??? It's not just about makeup all the time.  This post may be a little different than what you're used to, but it's important for me to express myself and the things I am learning about.  I recently had a 'huge' a-ha lifestyle moment and transformation.  I've made new choices that have affected the way I feel, the way my skin looks and feels and even has me questioning - why so much makeup?  Why not take a break!  I look at my skin as needing a vacation, just like the rest of my body, mind and spirit do sometimes - it ignites the 'restful glow' look!!!

 I want to personally share my summer skin story with you because this Summer in particular, I have made one of the most important decisions of my life.  I've embraced and adopted a Plant-Based/ Vegan lifestyle!  I've tried and attempted to 'go vegan' before, but it was always for a reason that was based in 'ego' - I wanted to loose weight, be 'cool', be different!  More recently, I have really struggled with the ethical issues surrounding animal agriculture and then after I watched the documentary 'Cowspiracy', my old lifestyle just wasn't an option.  I believe more than ever that the sustainability of our earth and planet is at risk if we continue to rob it of its natural resources to grow more 'grains' to feed the cattle in factory farms.  

I have recently been introduced to a company called 'Aloha' who is working hard to create a healthy living website, magazine and products using the natural resources at to them.  What a great concept - sustainable and healthy living embraced with 'community support' and a common vision.  I was so happy to learn that they include many vegan recipes on their website and I wanted to share one of them with you.  My personal trick to a glowing skin, is to eat a vegan diet that is 'balanced' - whole grains, vegetables and healthy fats at every meal is key and eating a variety of different foods is also a great way to keep your skin 'glowing'.  That glow that we all look for, it comes from the inside out.  What you put into your body shows on your skin and body, so feed it a whole bunch of goodness.  This is currently my favourite Vegan pizza recipe - check it out on the 'Aloha' website or check out more of their   healthy recipes!

I hope that you enjoyed reading this post!  I'm really excited to be supporting new makeup and lifestyle companies that support my vision for a better world :)  I'm excited to share more posts like this in the future as well :)

1 comment:

  1. You are looking at your best here - very natural and beautiful!
