Saturday, December 5, 2015

Revisiting my Zyla 'Romantic Shade'

I've been on a colour 'high' recently since my Warm Autumn Colour analysis.  I'm also trying to now find my best self within this palette.  I really admire the work of David Zyla who write the book 'Color Your Style'.  He indicates that you can find your best colours by looking at the shades already part of you - the colour of your viens (your dramatic shade) , the shade your finger turns when you pinch it slightly (this is your romantic shade) and many other colours.  In this post, I want to focus on my romantic shade.  I lightly pinched my finger and got a close up of the shade that I later matched to my warm autumn swatches.  The shade matched perfectly to the deep peach/salmon shade:

The challenge was to now find a lipstick that matched this shade!  It took me a few tries, but it turns out I found the perfect match - MAC Ravishing Lipstick.  I actually recently wore this shade, before doing this romantic experiment, so it was nice to know I already owned this colour:

I was also able to find a blush shade that complimented this 'warm peach' romantic - MAC Peaches blush.  It's the perfect everyday shade:

To put it all together.  I wanted to let the peachy glow dominate, so I just used a gold shadow (MAC goldmine) on my eyelids, a touch of mascara and voila, the perfect 'romantic' look!!!

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