Saturday, January 30, 2016

Chanel Passion Lipstick 104

I have FINALLY come across a red lipstick that is perfect in every single way.  I love wearing red lipstick, but have find myself tied down to the warm autumn brick and rust reds.  I'm not complaining - I absolutely adore those shades.  They are elegant in their own right.  However, sometimes I wanted that classic true red lipstick.  Since being draped as a warm autumn, my previous stand-by's just didn't work.  I realized that they were either too bright, too blue-based. too cool or too deep.  The great thing about my own personalized palette, is that I can wear a 'Warm True Red'.  I came close to finding that shade in the YSL #1 le rouge, but it was still slightly too bright.  YSL was a lipstick I purchased in Paris and because it brings back so many amazing memories, i'll be wearing it forever :) That being said, today I was 'on the hunt' to find that perfect warm true red.  I've been craving wearing a true red shade that suits me to perfection.  I tried on many shades, but found the closest matches at the Chanel counter.  It came down to the shades: Pirate, Gabrielle and Passion.  I tried each one and it was really obvious to both the makeup artist and myself that 'Passion' was most definitely the BEST shade.  The best part of this experience, however, came when I got home and swatched it against my Warm Autumn Palette.  It was an EXACT match to my 'Warm True Red' swatch.  I honestly did a 'happy dance' in my room!  Being able to find that perfect red is such a great feeling.  For me, red is the ultimate in Chic!

In this collage photo, its very clear that the Passion lipstick matches perfectly to the Warm True Red swatch :)

For this makeup look, I wanted the lipstick to take centre stage, so I started with just my basic concealer and foundation.  I then used MAC Trace Gold blush.  On my eyes, I mixed MAC arena and amber lights and applied this to the lid and crease.  My eyeliner of choice was Laura Mercier Copper Brown - I used an angled brush to smudge the upper lash line and finished with a coat of black mascara.  Finally, Chanel Passion Lipstick!!!


  1. Very pretty, yet, R U absolutely certain U R not cool because you wear a lot of cool clothing colors and look very good in them and I don't see where your warm comes from. Your eyes are cool and your hair and skin either cool or neutral. U should def look at cool color pallets again for makeup if u look good in the cool color clothing because that is what reflects back up to your face and it looks natural.

  2. I agree with some of the above! I would bet, based on your eyes, from another post, you are a corner, or neutral season blend with one of the warms in the 12 tones. Your eyes are very soft yet complex but def soft!

    I was all over the map with various analysis results and told Winter, Autumn, Spring by different PCAs until recently via a referral from 12 blueprints... It ends up I am a beautiful Soft season. I have dark hair and so I never ever would have guessed this. Once I explored the many choices of SS makeup and clothing options within the pallet I was amazed. It truly isn't a blah or light season at all it is very saturated and the reason I mention this is based on your eye color and hair. The corner seasons are mixed with either Spring or Autumn depending on where you may fall.

    I believe you would benefit from one of those analysis... You could def be one of those corner seasons. I think you are very pretty and it is difficult for some to get analyszed correctly even be some absolute 'pros'. I could see you benefitting by keeping an open mind to being more cool with a blend from another season. Or a warm with cool blend. Hope you keep exploring, Renata! 👍🏻

  3. Thank you so much for the feedback and input - I really appreciate it. I love hearing back from people about what they think and how they see me. Everyone's eyes see something different and its helpful to take note of what others see/think! Thank you

  4. Funny, I see you as warm and this shade a little too cool and bright on you. Even if you fit a season, it doesn't mean that all other colors are off the table. I am most likely a soft deep summer and I have warm leaning hazel eyes,. I can step into some soft autumn colors, but I have to be very careful about the degree of warmth in the color.
