Saturday, June 11, 2016

Crazy Week of A-Ha Moments

I sometimes wonder how silly I am doing all these colour experiments.  I'm always looking for the best season, but never feeling satisfied.  I think there is a difference between an objective analysis and a 'subjective reaction'.  Perhaps some of my own frustration with colour analysis hasn't been quite fair and it's me who needs to take a step back and be a little more 'objective'.  I decided earlier this morning to put together a timeline of my own colour journey and in person and computer analysis results.  Aside from one on-line analysis as a cool winter and then deep winter soft, all of my in-personal analysis resulted in some form of Autumn.  Yes, I've had 3 in-person analysis EACH time resulting in autumn (part of me is frustrated with myself right now for even questioning this so much).  Twice, I was analyzed as a 'true autumn' and in my last analysis, I was draped as a 'warm autumn'.  I was also lucky enough to get feedback from David Zyla (a stylist) who confirmed without doubt, that I am a Bronze Autumn.  So you would think that after 4/5 times I would feel confident that Autumn is my best palette :)  Here are some photo's of me as a warm autumn:

I think that perhaps it's time to put colour experiments to rest for now and learn to be comfortable in my own skin, embracing my own personalized results and colour harmony with the warm autumn palette.  I'm not going to stop creating various looks, perhaps even in various seasons, but for my own personal palette, the quest is over!!!  :)


  1. Almost of my in person analysis over the years have resulted in Winter. My online analysis resulted in Autumn. IRL, and after confirming again with a resent 12 BP in-person analysis I am a Soft Summer! No one had suspected me being a summer in the past perhaps due to my dark hair... the online went by my eyes, I think, because they do contain some warmth but there is no doubt after exploring the colors in clothes and MU, I'm soft summer. Warmth in hair and eyes but neutral skin and dark hair. One thing I notice and perhaps its due to being a photo vs IRL, but although you look great, it does seem as tho your warm makeup sort of 'sits' on top of your skin whereas the softer cooler colors give you a glow. I suggest you try the colors on without using foundation. Check out your colors in clothes and makeup with no foundation and see how things pan out. Regardless of what your season, you do a great job with make up and style so I wouldn't worry so much as to what title you are, just go with what you feel good in because you always seem to look elegant and stylish! It IS however, as a reader helpful to hear what your makeup descriptions and choices are because the information is helpful. Thanks!

  2. Thanks so much!!! That is so nice of you to say! I love makeup and the SSum colours are gorgeous too - I will always be experimenting :)

  3. You've always seemed like some sort of autumn and unlike the previous poster, I think the cool colors sit on your skin. When in doubt lean towards the irl analysis which seems to be in consensus.

  4. "I'm always looking for the best season, but never feeling satisfied" - I'm a bit like that, too :) Although in my case it's also because I have not and probably never will have an in-person PCA (quite out of my budget for one thing). But I must admit I also enjoy the journey trying to figure it out myself ;) I have ended up in Bright Spring quite a while ago, though not 100% sure of it, as there are just a few things that don't fit, like the orange issue... (Although like I just said in my comment to an older post here, I really don't know what the orange & mustard yellow are doing in the Bright Spring palette anyway, they seem more suited for True Autumn or True Spring!)

    By the way, as far as I know True and Warm Autumn are the same thing, just a different name for it in different systems... "True" being used e.g. the Sci/Art system, and "Warm" in some others.

  5. Hi Melina - Thanks for your comment! One of the things that I liked about my 'Unique to You' colour analysis was that it was different from the sci-art in a certain respect. So in that system, the true and warm autumn's are different. For example, compared to warm autumn, the true autumn had a lot more 'neutral' shades of autumn vs warm autumn that doesn't have anything those neutral, but instead leans more towards a warm spring - so everything is warm and medium clarity. The woman who did my analysis also does on-line analysis and her prices are really great and affordable. Her name is Jelena Heger - if you look her up on Face Book and send her an email, she willl contact you back. I found her to be exceptionally good and now that I've realized that I am in fact a warm autumn in her system, my search is over :) I'd be curious if you contact her and get an on-line analysis - keep me posted :) Best of luck!

  6. Thanks for your reply, Renata; this Unique to You colour analysis system is new to me (thanks for the tip :)), so I'm intrigued to see how it differs from Sci/Art. Though based on a quick overlook on their facebook page, it seems it decides the season mainly based on one's hair, eye and skin colours? As most do, unlike Sci/Art, which bases the decision only on what colours look best on you.

    So far I've though of Sci/Art as the "gold standard" (or even the only reliable one) of seasonal colour analysis, but as there are some things that don't quite seem a fit for me, including the TMIT (True (all the way cool or warm), Dark, Light, Bright or Soft - none of those really seems my "TMIT", though Bright is probably the closest match), I've had a look at some others as well; it's just that there's not much information online about others like there is about Sci/Art (sites like 12Blueprints and Truth Is Beauty, for example).
