Thursday, June 3, 2010

All About 'Me'

One of the blogs I follow 'Nautical
By Nature' posted this and
I thought it was a great idea to
share some information about
what makes me 'ME' -
I love to get to know people and
their personalities, so feel
free to cut and paste and
share your answers:
8 TV Shows I Like
to Watch
(not including shows off the air):
1. Brothers and Sisters
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Gossip Girl
4. Barefoot Contessa on Food Network
5. Look-a-like 
6. Millionaire Matchmaker
7. The Office
8.  The Tudors

8 Favorite Places
to Eat and/or Drink1. Fresh
2. Green Mango
3. Cassa Barcelona
4. Burrito Boyz
5. Teopia
6. Mr. Greek
7. Tarboosh
8. Moxie's

8 Things I Look
Forward To1. Watching a movie in my pajamas
2. Making Dinner (I love to cook)
3. Shopping
4. Meeting friends for lunch
5. Trying out a new tea at teopia
6. Going to my Yoga class and Body Attack class
7. Family get-togethers
8. Summer holiday, Christmas holiday, March Break -
'any' holiday!!!

8 Things that
happened to me
yesterday1. Met my friends for dinner at Fresh
2. Bought some 'blue vervain' - a healing herb
3. Went to a meeting at work
4. Had our end of year mass at work
4. Learned how to do a Sudoku
(still don't get it 100%)
5. Did the word jumble in the paper
and started the cross-word
6. Watched 'The Family Stone' - there is something
about seeing Luke Wilson that brightens
up my day!!!
7. Fed my fish
8. Went to bed early

8 Thinks I Like
About Summer1. Swimming
2. Fresh fruits from the local market
3. Making 'real', fresh lemonade with mint
4. Wearing summer dresses, capri's and t-shirts
5. Summer vacation (no work for 2 months -
I love being a teacher)
6. Deck parties
7. Getting a golden glow to my skin
8. The makeup colours (fresh pink, coral shades)

8 Places I Would
Like to Visit/See1. Tibet
2. Nantucket
3. more of Italy
4. more of France
5. Spain
6. An Indian Ashram
7. Safari in South Africa
8. Ireland


  1. wow! you´re a crack
    lovely post!
    congrats from spain

  2. So glad you filled this out! I think I may start watching The Tudors through netflix.

    I would love to go on an African safari too

  3. Kate - The Tudors is a great show - it really pulls you in and you get addicted to watching it!!!

    Bicocacolors - I'm so glad you like the posts - Spain is on my list of places I'd love to visit!!!
