Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tribute to my grandmother!

For every woman, there has been
another woman who has influenced
their sense of style.  For many young
women, its their mothers or grandmothers,
for others, it may be a favourite celebrity
or even the vague memory of a women they
saw for a split second while they were sitting
at a cafe somewhere in Europe.  For me, that
woman was my grandmother.  She signified
everything that was important to me and no 
other person has shown me as much unconditional
love as she has!  My grandmother passed away
3 years ago, but her influence is still with me. 
She had such grace and elegance about her
and her style was always impecable.  Here is a
little tribute to the woman who has always inspired
To me, she was one of the most beautiful
people in the world:
Here is a picture of my grandmother and my uncle when he was little:
One of my favourite pics of my grandmother:
ANother one of my favrouite pics - I'm
just a little munchkin in this picture:
Its so true when people say
to honour those you love
while they are still alive!!!!!!!
Here's to you 'Babycia' -
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

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