Sunday, September 29, 2013

Soft Autumn VS Clear Spring

THe two palettes that people request the most that I try is either Soft Autumn or Clear Spring. In my last post, I created a warm salmon pink based makeup look and used neutral shades that can be worn by both the SA and CS palettes. I decided to do a collage using the same pic surounded by both palettes (once again I used the swatches from the dress photos from the link). Would love to hear your votes: Soft Autumn:
Clear Spring:


  1. I'm looking and my eyes are leaning towards the clear spring actually :) For one the pinks are nice on you and kinda match the lippie your wearing. For two it's contrast works for you since your not completely light,medium,or dark you have some lights,mediums,and Darla but not to dark on your colors :) Hope this helps!

  2. I would say soft autumn based on these photos. Those colors seem to work best for your eyes especially.
