Tuesday, October 1, 2013

True Autumn........wins yet again!!!

True Autumn..........its a season I love, its a season I always seem to come back to and its a season that just works. I've been draped twice as a true autumn and recently walked into a cosmetics store where the makeup artist kept giving me colours like burnt sienna toned lipsticks and copper-brown blush - when I asked her why she was choosing these colours, she said "well, you're a typical autumn". I think for a while I was so hopeful for Soft Autumn to work because I loved the soft, delicate look of the season, but then I ventured into a whole different direction, partly because I had an on-line consultation where I was told I was a deep winter soft! ummm....NO, I'm not! I get that now - I also 'GET' that its time to stop fighting the answer thats been right in front of me this whole time - TRUE AUTUMN. Its interesting that after all my colour experiements, true autumn keeps re-appearing - after two drapings and having David Zyla himself confirm that I'm a 'bronze autumn', you'd think that would be enough to say "hello, why would you consider any other season???" - my answer, I have NO clue - Its time to finally step into true autumn!!! THe proof is in the pudding:


  1. Renata,I know you had two color analysis before. You told us. But you had so much doubts and experiments with other seasons after them. I am just thinking why you did not get professional opinion of Christine Scaman? She also lives in Ontario and it would not be a big problem for you to have an appointment with her.

  2. Ah, well, it's fun to keep confirming the season, isn't it? Or -- it's fun to pick a colour and find out which specific shade of it is best.

    Plus, as I've said before, you are able to impersonate other seasons much more easily than the average dame.

  3. THanks Margo and Sneza! Margo, I think it would be ideal to get a sci/art draping, but right now there are so many other things that I want to pursue and use that money towards those goals. I'm not ruling out a future draping with Chistine, but right now I'm quite confident with TA - probably more than EVER! For me, its not so much about doubting TA, as it was an inner need to continually 'search' - I'm a seeker by nature, even if I got sci/art drapped, there would probably still be a part of me that would want to explore the other seasons - I think its the artist in me, I love colour too much! RIght now I'm going to embrace TA again - I'm also going to keep creating looks that speak to my spirit!

  4. Renata, I understand. I love color too and I cannot use only colors of my palette. But I think it is important for me to know I am warm.
    I am looking forward to see your new autumn looks.

  5. Thanks Margo - I already have some 'great' ideas in the works for colour combos I want to try - I'm uber excited!!!

  6. Hi Renata,
    Can you keep a look out for a lipstick similar to sandalwood beige? I can't find sandalwood beige anywhere. I bought smashbox honey lipstick and was looking for a cheaper dupe.

  7. Sure, If I spot it I will let you know. At one point I thought that sandalwood was discontinued, but then noticed that different drug stores carry different products - check other sales locations to see if they perhaps carry SB there!
