Sunday, November 2, 2014

Taupe Lipstick - MAC

I love rediscovering a classic lipstick shade. Its like tasting a great wine and knowing that you've experienced this before, but now it just seems better for some reason. That is exactly how I feel about Taupe lipstick by MAC. Its a lipstick I often dismissed before because, lets face it, the name is kinda 'borning' - its not an alluring or sexy name, its 'taupe'! I sometimes wonder why this shade is even called 'taupe'? Its not a blah colour at all, in fact, its one of MAC's most complex and polished shades. Its a sophisticated mix of red and brown, but its fairly neutral - its not overly deep and dramatic, yet its very classic and chic. Its my personal opinion that this lipstick deserves a a chic name. However, the philosophical me also understands that 'taupe' can suggest a kind of 'neutrality', a simplicity, which is the key to a euro-chic look! Regardless of why taupe is 'taupe', its one of my newely re-discovered favourite shades. In this photo I'm wearing it as it is, yet for evening, taupe is beyond 'stunning' with paired with a spicy red liner like brick or auburn (perhaps that will be my next post). In this photo, I decided to stay with the polished up neutral theme - I did a classic natural eye, using Bronze eyeshadow by MAC from lid to crease, Marcelle's 'dark brown liner' smudged with MAC's 'Brun' eyeshadow - black mascara to finish. I applied a mix of refined golden bronzer and coppertone on my cheeks (both my MAC) and applied a swipe of Taupe lipstick! I really love this look for everyday 'polished'! It takes no longer than 5-10 min, and the makeup harmony is perfect! If you've wanted to try taupe, but feel its a borning shade, give it a chance, it may end up being the most 'chic' lipstick in your case!!!


  1. I like this makeup on you a lot. It seems to be the right combination of depth and softness. I also love that green of the scarf on you. When I cover up the bright green of the shirt with my finger and look at you just in the scarf green it is a wow moment!

  2. Great tip to take into consideration - I will have to wear that scarf more often - thanks! Its a very interesting green - its not quite olive, and its not quite moss - its definitely an autumn green and slightly deeper!

  3. I love this makeup on you. You look fantastic!

  4. Thank you so much - I'm really starting the embrace and love the Deep Autumn palette!!!
