Thursday, December 11, 2014


I haven't written a post in about a month, but please don't get discouraged - I did put this blog 'on-hold' a while back, but I am back in business and I have so many new ideas and things I want to write about. With everything going on at work and home, its sometimes hard to find the time to complete a post, but I've been playing around with so many new looks - stay tuned for some great looks. Before I start posting my looks, I have a question for all of you - HOW MANY LIPSTICKS DO YOU THINK A WOMAN REALLY NEEDS??? I look forward to hearing your responses to this question!!!


  1. I like lipsticks, but I realize I tend to buy similar colors over and over. As I've gotten older I want less stuff and have become a bit of a minimalist. I always have a red, an everyday pinkish color (nude does not look good on me), a purple/pink and one or two tinted balms (Fresh is my go to one at the moment). Recently, I've started to use a lip liner as a base or layer the lipsticks to change the color slightly.

  2. I own probably 100 tubes of lipstick (gathered over many years, and I don't know why I don't throw most of them away), but if I had to cut down to the bare minimum I would say I need five ... a clear gloss, a gloss with some colour, a matte dusty rose, a shiny mauve and a really good red... or maybe two good reds... OK, six lipsticks, tops!! :)
